Dear Reader - This is my story...

by - 08:00:00

I'm Jade: mum of two, obsessed with Christmas, Crazy about Disney and has a great love of hot chocolate! You'll always find me with my phone in my hand taking photos and video, I love to capture all the memories of life!

A few years ago we had booked our first family trip to Disneyland Paris. We were taking an almost 2 year old and a 6 weeks old! I was so nervous worried that we wouldn't be able to go on anything and our trip would be a waste, I took to google and sadly didn't find any of the answers I was looking for.

Dear Reader

A few months later and we can come from the most amazing magical trip! Armed with the knowledge from everything I've learnt, I decided to answer the questions that I couldn't find for all the people who came after me.

What can my under 5 ride?

Can my baby go on anything?

Can I breastfeed in France?

Is the photopass worth it?

Should I go premier on the Eurostar?

Onsite or offsite?


Mummies Waiting changed to mummies Waiting for a Disney kinda day and I started to share everything I knew so I could help parents plan stress free Disneyland Paris holidays to make magical memories that last a lifetime.

Dear Reader

Today I still share those Disney tips, but as my children grown, I share the other adventures and tips too.

Working with brands on reviewing products and days out. Trying out holidays and products on my own back to let people know what works for us.

I want every families holiday to be stress-free and it's often an awesome product or destination that makes that happen!


Anyway, thats me. Welcome to my site. Take a look round, leave me a comment, I'll always reply, or chat to me on my social media :)



Jade x

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