
The List Linky 1st December

Welcome back to ‘The List‘, THE place to share your list posts.

Who can link up?  You can link up any post that is a list or that contains a list (by that I mean a couple of bullet points is fine).  Recipes, checklists, to-do lists are also fine.  Posts can be old or new, all welcome and you can also link up to 3 posts.


This week I am linking Because Life Is Worth Celebrating 18

My favourite posts from last week were;




  • I’m feeling completely on top of everything this week.

  • I’ve just packed to go to Disneyland Paris on Monday! And I’m now on the way to drop the dog off to his ‘holiday’.

  • Wake Up and Shake Up got me really thinking about my 2018 goals and where I REALLY want to go!

  • We have a new microwave that means I can have hot chocolate and Christmas pudding whenever I’d like! (We also have a new cooker on the way too!)

  • It’s snowing and even though it sucks the trains are delayed, I can honestly say ‘it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!'


Mummies Waiting