Because Life Is Worth Celebrating : Week 13

by - 07:00:00

It's birthday week this week! You are going to want to read all about what we have done, believe me!! I absolutely love taking the time each week to write this celebratory list, It just reminds me to love my family more and be thankful for what I have.

Week 13 this week, I can't believe this is still going. Please leave me a comment to let me know what you are celebrating.


1. Quality Time

It was so much fun to sing carols and dance with Kairi this week. I love how she is learning the words to songs now.

2. Trip to the park

Kairi asks to go to the park EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. and then when we say no, or don't get to she is so upset. So when we had some spare time this week, I took the girls to the park and they were SO happy! I love seeing their amazing smiley faces and it's especially good to just have a bit of fun.

3. Birthday week

Me and Ryan have both celebrated our birthdays this week. I feel so lucky that my friend Aby started me off as a VA and I've had the ability to buy my husband a gift I knew he would love. I can't wait to celebrate more this weekend with family and friends.

4. Putting the Christmas Tree up

On my birthday (17th October), I put my Christmas Tree up! hehe eek! I did a 5-hour facebook live, which if you missed, you should totally check it out!

5. Harvest Festival at the cathedral

On our weekly library visit, we found a book about Harvest festival and Kairi wanted to learn more, so we quickly popped to the Cathedral to see the last bits. The girls love to find out more and I love to learn with them too.


6. Train Trips

Traveling each week can be really tiring, but this week I'm being thankful for the time I get to spend with the girls while on the train. I'm also very lucky to have such well behaved children.

7. Elf Visit

Patch our Elf of Kindness came to visit for the day. I loved to see the girls faces when he turned up and I really can't wait until he comes back. He really did sprinkle a bit of magic our way!


8. Mutt

I love out 'mutt' Coco, he's the most cute and silliest dog I know. (He should so have been a cat!)


9. Colouring

This week after doing some of Kairi's worksheets, we sat down and all did colouring together. It was so nice just to relax and not worry about anything else. I really cherish getting to spend time like that together now Kairi is officially home educated and I am working more.

What did you get up to this week? Any adventures?

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