
Because Life Is Worth Celebrating : Week 9

*Cue amazing singing voice* It's Friday, Friday feeling good on Friday.....

Happy Friday everyone! I can't believe that when I write this next week it will also be Britmums and caravanning and all that fun! :O Anyway, I will stop waffling, because here is my celebratory list for the week, enjoy!

1. The Zoo

This week we did a topic on the zoo. Me, Nanny and the girls all went to the zoo, we created a zoo tuff tray and read zoo themed books. I loved watching the girls faces as they saw the animals. Watching the monkeys breastfeeding (amazingly with their children hanging off them!), feeding the goats (who stole the food!) and getting to see animals that they have never seen before. We had such a wonderful day.

2. Mums visit

Mum came down for 1 night to visit us and it was really nice, we did lots of shopping in Cambridge and Ely and got plenty of bargains. It was really nice to have the chance to cook her dinner, I’m so grateful that she can come and visit us so often.

3. MacBook Air!

I finally did it! I actually have my very own MacBook and I’m amazed! (You can tell by the overuse of exclamation points haha) It’s so nice to be able to get work done and spend time with my family and blogging on the train right now is awesome as it will free up time later! Mostly I feel proud of myself and my business. Taking that NEXT STEP towards becoming a millionaire HAHA!

4. My amazing friends from the Inner Circle and my awesome VA clients.

I had a bad day this week, I couldn’t cope with life and it was insane, I popped into the Inner Circle and let my feelings out, they were amazing, gave me so much support and made me feel so much better. Then I received some wonderful comments from my VA clients. They told me how I've really changed their lives by giving them more time with their families and it made my day. It completely made it all worthwhile.

5. Christmas!

Haha, it is never too early to prepare for Christmas! We got NaminĂ©’s main Christmas present on the Facebook selling pages this week for really cheap and we’ve sorted one out for Kairi too. I’m so excited and it’s feeling really nice to just feel this organised!

I’ve also been really preparing for #12DaysOfParenting and lots of other Christmas excitement this year!

6. Bubble Tea

Me, the girls and Ryan got a bubble tea when we popped to Cambridge this week. It was a small treat, but I love how it is something that we all enjoy and can have together. It’s family time that really makes life worth it!

7. Late Evening at the Park

Ryan was late home this week due to the silly busses. I took this time to just take a nice long break and play with my girls. We played at the park at 7pm and didn’t even realise it had turned dark until we left.

It was so nice to play hide and seek, to run around and be silly and to just spend some uninterrupted quality time with my girls (even though the roundabout made me feel a little iffy!)

8.  Business Cards

So I’m off to Britmums thanks to the AMAZING Cherry from The Newby Tribe. I’ve got a nice notebook, my beautiful business cards designed by my husband and I’ve prepared some of my outfit.

I’m so excited to go, it’s about 10 days now!!! EEK!!!

9. Disneyland Paris

Ekk! That's right, we are off again, I’m so grateful for my mum helping me to book the Eurostar tickets and pay her back in instalments. I can’t wait to see the girls faces as they walk into the park and see that amazing Christmas tree!

I also love blogging Disneyland Paris trips because they are amazing memories and fantastic to share!

What did you get up to this week? Any adventures?