
How Can You Ensure That Your Disney World Holiday Is The Best It Can Be?

Disney World is the most magical place in the world for those of us who love Disney. You can practically feel the magic radiating out of the place, combined with the buzz of excitement from everyone around. If you’re going to be heading to Disney any time in the future, then you need to know what you can do to make the holiday the best it can be. The last thing that you want is to leave this magical place with any kind of regret, or fear that you missed out on something. In this article, we’re going to be giving you some of our best advice when it comes to conquering Disney, so keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.


Don’t Worry About Feeling Like A Child

The first thing that we’re going to say is that you should not worry in the slightest about feeling like a child. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing, because you are in Disney! Your kids are going to be super happy and excited, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you being the same. We all have the things that we love in life, and if Disney is one of yours then you need to go for it. A lot of people are worried about doing certain things in the parks because they feel as though they are for children, but the Disney experience is for everyone and that’s something that you need to keep in mind.

If it is bothering you so much that you don’t want to do certain things, get your kids to do them with you. We know that you’re not all going to want to do the same things all the time, but if it’s something that you really want then drag them with you anyway. However, we promise you that everyone else is too busy enjoying their own time to notice anything about what you’re doing. Plus, if you can’t let your inner child out in Disney World of all places, where can you?


Mum is wearing a long satin black skirt with a black vest top tucked in. The top had icons of park rides and says 'I'm going to ride 'til i can't find no more!', she has black and red minnie ears. The girls are wearing Mickey mouse themed dresses that have yellow bow ties on them. They are wearing pom pom minnie ears that are black with a red bow.

Wear The Right Clothes

We cannot advise strongly enough that you take the time to figure out what you’re going to wear when you are in Disney. It is hot, and it is crowded which is going to add to the temperature. It’s important that you are sitting down and thinking carefully before you pack your suitcase. Loose clothing is going to be your best friend, and light colours are certainly advised by us as well. The reason for this is because you want the air to be able to flow through your body, getting to the different areas and keeping you from feeling like you’re going to burst into flames. As well as this, looking into clothes that aren’t dark coloured like black will help you to stay cool as lighter colours do not absorb the heat the same way.

You need to be comfortable over everything else, so remember that when you are packing for this trip. If you feel as though you don’t have many appropriate clothes because we don’t often get excessive heat here, it’s time to buy some.


You Need The Right Shoes

You and your children are going to be walking around the Disney parks all day, which means that you are going to need the right shoes. You can browse online for your kids to get them some practical shoes that will keep their feet comfortable as much as possible throughout the walk. Of course, this does not mean that they can walk for hours on end without sitting down and taking a rest. Make sure that if you have purchased new shoes for this trip for your kids that they have worn them a little to stretch them out and make them super comfortable before their trip.

For adults, trainers are probably your best bet, the same as the kids. You don’t want to be wearing anything with a heel on it, or anything too heavy as you’re going to be spending most of the day walking. You need lightweight shoes to get you around Disney, so work on finding some of them if you don’t already have them. Also, unless you want a weird tan on your feet from where your shoes are, we suggest closed top shoes.


Remain Hydrated

In the heat, it’s important that you remain hydrated. Take a bottle of water with you every single time you leave the hotel to go outside, and then fill it up through the day as often as you can. You can then purchase drinks throughout the day if you feel as though you need them. Just remember that no matter what, staying hydrated has got to be one of your top priorities for both you and your kids. Getting heat stroke is not what you need, and not only will this put a damper on your holiday, it can also be extremely dangerous.

Water is always going to be the best hydration, and cold bottles are always sold throughout the park to ensure that you remain as hydrated as possible. There are also water fountains across the park to fill up your cups at, so remember that.


Take Every Opportunity You Get


You do not want to leave Disney World with any kind of regret, so you have got to take every single opportunity that you get. Whether this is to go to a restaurant where you get to eat breakfast with some of your favourite characters, or whether it’s going to meet some characters from your favourite movie, do it all. Coming home is going to be tough enough, but coming home when you feel as though there was so much more that you wanted to experience is going to be the worst.

If an opportunity arises to do something, do it. If your children want to do something, do it. Don’t ever worry about how it looks to do these things, and don’t ever worry about anything other than having the best possible time in the most magical place on Earth.



Get To The Park Early

If you are staying in the resorts, there are what are called ‘extra magic hours’ in which you are allowed into the park an hour before it officially opens for everyone else. If you get there early enough, you can be one of the first people into the park, missing all of the crowds and seeing the beauty of the park exactly as it is. Of course, there’s no point getting there too early as you will just be waiting in the early morning heat for no reason, so plan this well.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do to ensure that your holiday to Disney World is the best that it can be. There are so many wonderful and amazing things that you will get to do and experience here, so it’s down to you to make the most of it. There is a lot to cram into your vacation here, so you need to have some kind of idea of the things that you want to do before you go, and ensure that you’ve got all the right things to avoid a nightmare. We wish you the very best of luck, and we hope that your holiday to Disney World is the best that it can be.


*This is a collaborative post*