
3 business skills you learn in parenthood 

Parenthood is the greatest challenge a person can face, without a doubt. Taking your child on their journey from birth to youth and teaching them vital life skills to set them on the path of adulthood is a task that no one can quite prepare you for, although the rewards all make it worthwhile. 

And being a small business owner is not dissimilar. You’re raising your enterprise from its humble beginnings to transform it into a stable, successful, and profitable endeavour – you want to see it flourish and grow, just like your children. 

But perhaps the most surprising thing about parenthood is the fact that the lessons you’ll learn will ready you for the business world in unexpected ways – these are just three key skills you’ll learn as a parent that will bolster your entrepreneurial abilities.  

1.  Negotiation 

What is a parent if not a master negotiator?

Whether it’s handling the demands of a toddler or the whims of a moody teenager, you’re adept at bringing conflict to resolution and keeping the peace.  

And of course, what is a business leader without their negotiation skills? Whether its clients or suppliers, you’re always negotiating for the best deals, and with no more difficult negotiating partner than your own child, you’ll be well positioned to navigate debate. 

2. Adaptability

This has been one of the most crucial skills for business survival during the pandemic – it’s one of the reasons many are switching to virtual office setups like 3M Buckley Innovation Centre since the shift to remote working. 

And as a parent through lockdown, you’ve developed an uncanny ability to transform any environment into a workplace, as well as a school and day care. With this ability to think on your feet and deal with the opposing priorities and interests of a family, you have the skills to adapt in any business environment to drive solutions. 


3. Empathy 

As a parent, your awareness of other people’s emotions is second to none. They say mother knows best, and you know better than anyone if something is wrong with your child – if they’re sick, sad, angry, happy, whatever it might be, you’re acutely attuned to these displays of emotion. 

And empathy is a key skill in business – an ability to empathise with your clients and their needs is vital for your business to hone its offering and respond to the demands of the market. 

But it’s important to note that empathy will also make you more successful as a leader. The ability to project manage effectively and utilise tools such as Monday is essential to efficiency. But it’s not all about resourcing – you must also be able to lead and unite your team with compassion to get the best out of individuals, help them realise their potential and allow them to realise their skills within your organisation. 

Ready to tackle the world of business? With your experience as a parent, you may just be. 


*This is a collaborative post*