As a mum of two I find i'm always having to buy things i've not budgeted for. The girls grow so fast and not a month goes past that the girls don't need new shoes, leggings for drama - because Kairi has holed them again, headphones for home ed - because Naminé has broken hers again or even a lunch box. Kids go though everything so fast, one minute you've brought new leggings and the next they need another 2 pairs!
But having to spend money I've not planned and often means I'm always trying to get the best deal around. From cashback and vouchers to sign up offers, there are so many deals to choose from, so how do you find the best?
Cashback can be great, with sites like Free Cashback you buy a product and in a month or so you get a % back. Cashback is easy to find on many different products, kids clothing, toys, bedroom furniture and even food shopping. The process is simple, it's just clicking a link before you order and eventually you can check your cashback account balance and withdraw from it.
In the past I've not had the best experiences with cashback, many times it's decided and when you're in a position where you can get 10% cashback or use a money off voucher, it's often hard to know which one to do for the best. Take my girls last set of shoes. I had both a money off voucher which was £5 off or I could get a % cashback which worked out at over £7. Of course saving over £7 made sense so I went ahead and did this, only to find that the cashback was declined a few weeks later and in the long run i'm now down!
That being said, when it works cashback can really help you get a great deal and save yourself a big chunk of money if you look hard enough.

Sign up offers
The other option which I prefer are sign up offers. Sites like Sign Up Offers collate all the discounts and offers available for first time customers for sites all around the world and you save that money before you pay. For me this feels like the safer option and it's better for my pocket too as I'm bot paying out waiting to get it back. Its guaranteed before I buy the product.
Companies want first time customers, you purchase once and their product will do the talking, so there are always plenty of great high quality sign up offers around. Whether you need something for the weekly shop, a once in a lifetime holiday or a regular dog food supplier there are so many perfect offers to choose from.

Vouchers are again another safe option, Groupon is great for finding vouchers quick and there are also extensions for google chrome like Honey. Both Honey and Groupon allow you to search the name of the company you are using and quickly see if there is a voucher available. These can range from £5 off to 50% and can really put a dent in the original price!
Like sign up offers these are safe as the money comes off before the purchase and you know exactly how much you are spending before you hit checkout. If you want to use a voucher, it's always worth checking for a sign up offer first as first time customers get the best deal!
Whatever you choose you are sure to get a great deal and save yourself some of that hard earned money for a bit of fun yourself! Then even better, you can buy yourself something nice online and get a great deal on that too - Animal Crossing relaxing time for mum anyone?!
Do you have any great money saving tips? I'm always buying new leggings for Kairi so would love you to leave tips in the comments below!
*this is a collaborative post*