Mad about Disney? These questions are for you!
Kim is the voice behind OddHogg, a family and lifestyle blog. She lives in Aberdeen with her husband and 2 young sons, documenting their life together and how to navigate type 1 diabetes while being a parent.
1) Mickey or Minnie? Mickey every time! I've never really been a Minnie fan.... will I get lynched if I admit I actually find her quite annoying?!
2) Favourite Disney Character? I have been a Winnie The Pooh fanatic since I was a child. I can remember my first trip to Disney World when I was around 9 years and proudly pulling out my Pooh t-shirt to wear when everyone else was donning their Mickey ones.
3) Which Disney Character Would Be Your Best Friend? I'd love to have out with Rapunzel! She just seems like my kind of girl.
4) Which Disney Animal As A Pet? Definitely Pascal from Tangled! Although now I think about it I could probably be quite happy with Lady from Lady And The Tramp too. Or Bolt. Way too many options!
5) Favourite Disney Prince/Princess? It's got to be Rapunzel (do you spot a theme here?)

6) Favourite Side-kick? Hmm now that's one I've never really considered. It's probably a toss up between Abu from Aladdin or Archimedes in the Sword And The Stone
7) Favourite Song? When Will My Life Begin from Tangled. I've loved it since the first time I saw the film. I am also partial to a sing a long to most of the songs in Frozen or Moana though too!
8) Ever Been To A Park? Yes! Many times! I was really lucky to be taken to Disney World in Florida when I was around 9. Since then I have been to Paris once and back to Florida another 4 times. I loved taking my kids for the first time last year.

10) Favourite Villain? I seem to be able to look past Edgar's cat murdering tendencies and quite like him! He weirdly reminds me of Basil Fawlty and I just find him funny rather than overly cruel.
11) Collect Disney? Not these days! I used to have quite a collection of Winnie The Pooh items, and my sons play with some of the toys now. But I haven't made any recent purchases for a collection specifically.
12) Small Disney Business? I actually don't know any! Is that awful?!
13) Film you would star in? Well Brave is too much of an obvious choice! Plus the accidents do nothing but irritate me. So probably Toy Story.
14) First film watched? I don't actually know. I have older siblings so I think I was watching Disney from a very young age. I remember when the Lion King was released in the cinema but I had definitely watched films before that.
15) Choose one! I would choose Disney films. They never get old. I love visiting the parks but it is so expensive, so films win every time.
16) Disney Channel? We don't actually watch any Disney channels. We tend to prefer the films, watching the DVDs or movies on demand.
17) Job at Disney? I am a musician so I'd ADORE a job creating the songs for the films. But in the parks I'd love to be one of the characters for meet and greats just to see the kids faces.

18) Movie watched 10 times? Errr probably most of them! Tangled, Moana, Frozen, Bolt, Toy Story, Bambi...... I could go on for ever. I watched many as a kid (ok fine and as an adult) but now we have kids I get to relive it all with them. We have a film on at some point most days. At the moment the favourite is Lion King.... I've probably watched it 10 times this month!
19) Disney park in local city? I'd be there on the first day for opening of course!!
20) Favourite Disney Classic? I love the Jungle Book. I can remember watching it as a child and it holds a lot of nostalgia too.
21) Favourite Pixar? Toy Story! The original but also the sequels. I also love Monsters Inc.
22) Disney Quote? "Venture outside your comfort zone. The rewards are worth it." --Rapunzel (Tangled)
23) Favourite Theme Park? I love Magic Kingdom in Disney World. It has all the Disney Magic I want for a day out (or 5!)
24) Disney song stuck in your head? I Want To Be Like You from The Jungle Book. Every. Single. Time.
25) Anything Else? I don't think so! I am pretty simple with my Disney needs or wants. I like the films - pretty much all of them - and I LOVE to visit the parks. We hope to take the boys to Paris in a few years time so they can experience it all again.