People ask what we do? (all sorts!) Do we break up for the summer? (not usually) and how much time we sit down at the kitchen table (far less than you think). But one thing not many consider is the cost of home education. As a self employed person it's something I really have to keep an eye on. Some months we have all the programmes and others we don't. I'm always looking out for deals to make payment easier to.
What do we spend money on for home education?
As I started to write this list down, I realised just how much we pay out for. It's not just the groups we go to, but the ink we use and the folders we need. I've separated the costs into 4 categories; software, groups, Curriculum and other costs (like ink and pencils).
Teach My Monster To Read - App originally cost £5, we do however use it for free on the website now though. - $15.99 a month (£13 a month plus about £1 bank fees)
Reading Eggs and Maths Seed - Roughly £10 a month for both
Minecraft (and the specific Education Edition) - Just an account when they originally started for about £15 and then we payed about £30 for the education edition, but it wasn't very good.
Multi Sports - £24.30 for 9 sessions per child (roughly £50 a term)
Drama - £48.10 for 13 sessions per child (roughly £100 for a term)
Swimming - £35 a term per child (£70)
Social Group - £5 a month
Travel - £25 a month train fare for swimming and social group
Exploring Nature With Children (Curriculum and Journal - PDF Only) - Roughly £20 to keep forever
Exploring Nature With Children (Curriculum and Journal - 1 Season Printing and Binding Only) - £5 each year
Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons - £10 one off purchase
Twinkl - Currently £7 a month, but I'll buy a year bundle when it comes back again. We have the middle option as the highest and lowest are no good for us.
Other Costs
Ink £3.49 or £7.99 a month (depending on how much we are at home printing)
Paper - £5 a month
Stationary (Pens, Pencils, Paints, Craft Equipment Folders etc) - £20 a term
Resources Related To Each Topic (such as food for the Dips and Dippers topic) - £10 a month
Trips (Travel, Entry etc) - £50 a year
Total Home Education Cost
Monthly Cost - £69.49
Termly Cost - £250
Yearly Costs (Not including one offs) - £100
Yearly total: £2000!!!
How much do you spend on your child's education a year? I'd love to know.