Top tips for dying your kids hair BRIGHT - with no bleach!
The summer is coming and it's all about fun and bright colours! Now the girls are getting older they have started making decisions about what they want to do with their hair and what they would like to wear. This summer they've both decided that when it comes to their hair, they want to go bright!
As they are still kids, I really didn't want to damage their hair with bleach, so I spent some time researching and found a dye that didn't need bleach and was hair friendly! Here are my Top tips for dying your kids hair BRIGHT - with no bleach!
*Please note check the age on the dye and always do a strand test before use*
Bright hair with no Bleach!

Tip 1 - Cover everything!
Get a big mat for the floor, we use the same one every time.
Grab a carrier bag and cut a hole for a t-shirt and use petroleum jelly to avoid getting it on you skin.Don't forget gloves too!

Tip 2 - Use a good dye
Shop around before you choose. Brands like directions and Stargazer have no bleach in them and work like a conditioning agent to look after the hair.
We tried directions before and it worked great, but this year we had no luck (we've heard word that they've changed their formula) so we switched to Stargazer and got great results!

Tip 3 - Shower caps are your friend
Grab a cheap shower cap and use it once the dye is on. It will contain so much of the mess and help with the dying process too.

Tip 4 - Stock up on bleach!
Yes, I know I said no bleach, but this isn't for your head! Your bath will change colour in the process so have a good sponge and bleach ready to get it clean as soon as you can after. A couple of sprays and a good scrub and ours was as good as new!

Tip 5 - Use a tint brush
You can pick one of these up for as little as £1 and they are so handy, save yourself the mess around the edge and make you get those roots by dabbing and painting with a brush.

Thats it, summer bright hair in as easy as 1 2 3 4 5! The girls love their hair and would love to see yours too. Follow us on social media and show us how yours has turned out!