Summer Holiday Breakfast at Home - A family treat #ad

by - 10:00:00

The summer holidays are here and everyone I know is counting down the last few days before they jet off to the beach! I love a great all inclusive holiday, the pool is lovely, but the food... the food is amazing! There is nothing better than waking up to something completely different to a bowl of cereal.

As we're not going away this summer, I wanted to create that 'summer holiday' breakfast feeling at home. Get the whole family sat at the table enjoying a great start to the day together with delicious 'holiday' themed food. So I started thinking about ideas for the best way to make this summer breakfast. I could slave away over a fry up, but I wanted something that was far most special - and less effort! Then it came to me, one thing the kids love to have on holiday for breakfast is waffles! There are so many different things you can do with waffles and covering them in syrup is a family fave. So I grabbed our Dual Round Waffle Maker which we had been sent and whipped up a batch of batter.

 A family treat #ad

The Waffle Maker heated up really quickly and by the time I had the batter made it was ready to go. I poured in the batter while the girls wisked around the kitchen getting their plates and talking about all the different toppings that they could have. It was lovely to have us all downstairs and happily involved in the process.

I love the Dual Round Waffle Maker because it makes 2 waffles which are each made up of 4 sections. If you've got kids that don't like to wait to eat, this means you can give them some each rather than someone going 'first'. It also means it's far easier to cut up into smaller sections (and that means it's easier for mummy to pinch some while cooking too - I can't help it, it smells divine!)

 A family treat #ad

The waffle maker cooks really quickly. Each waffle comes out perfectly and of course the glorious golden brown colour. The kitchen was soon full with that wonderful smell and Kairi rushed off to grab the blueberries while Naminé grabbed the maple syrup. We worked together serving them all on plates and sat down together at the table.

With forks clinking, chatter buzzing and a delicious smell in the air, I was taken back to our last beach holiday, I could almost hear the kids outside playing in the pool. We finished up our waffles with massive smiles all around. The girls of course didn't wait 5 seconds before they asked if we could do it all again tomorrow. It was such a wonderful start to the day, sitting down together and enjoying something different - without lots of effort, was just what we all needed!

 A family treat #ad


Looking for a delicious Summer Holiday Breakfast at Home? Check out this family treat!

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