A first timers perfect day at Disneyland Paris
This week we have the lovely Sarah talking all about her trip as a first timer. Don't forget to check her out over on her site too.
First things first, what time are you waking up, how and where are you?
We stayed in Newport Bay in Compass Club level. We set our alarms for 7.30 then slowly got up each morning.
Who is with you and are you a planner?
It’s me, the Hubby and two children aged 9 (Boy) aged 5 (Girl). I like to have an idea of what we would like to get to see or do each day. We started off getting a map of the parks and circling all of the rides that we wanted to go on, then as we do them tick them off the list. We also made sure we made good use of the fast pass tickets we were given each day.
Now it’s breakfast time, what are you eating?
We were luckily enough to have breakfast in the club lounge. Such a nice experience, always lots of table space and lots of breakfast options staying at Club level meant that breakfast was included within our package.
Okay, so it’s time to head off to the parks, which one are you heading to and how are you getting there? Are you doing anything on the way?
We liked to get the free shuttle bus into the park, with all day on your feet it was so much better for the little one. Today we are heading into main park.
You’re in! Whats the first thing you do?
Straight from the gates and see who the first Character met and greet in, in the market square.
Today it’s Marie from Assictor Cats, I just love her, she was fabulous with the kids.
Whats on your hit list for the morning?
We try to head onto the rides as the parades are starting, it saves the queuing time. Although we did watch the parades which really are a must. Today we are trying to tick off the map our must do rides.
It’s lunch time where are you eating and what are you ordering?
Today we have got lunch with Princesses at ACD, it was amazing interaction. We meet Snow White, Belle, Meridth, …………. Not forgetting Cinderella’s Mice Purla and Suzy.
The food was really good, we all enjoyed it. Even the kids eat most of it because it’s really simplified for the children. The puddings were so yummy!!!
Whats on the plan for the afternoon?
This afternoon we are heading out into Fantasy Land to jump on a few rides and to see if we can spot the cupcake girls.
What Disney snack are you getting to get rid of the 3pm twangs?
We actually took snacks into the park with us, the kids get board in the ques so we give them bits to keep them going. Plus everyone was full from a fabulous lunch.
We headed back to the hotel for 4pm because they offer have afternoon tea provided in the club lounge between 4pm and 6pm. So we would enjoy snacks of blinis, pasties, muffins and carious cakes and fruit. It would then mean we wouldn’t need to eat again that day.
The parade has been, night is falling, what MUST you get a picture of in the dark?
I don’t think we took any pictures in the dark other than of the castle of course, I mean who wouldn’t take a photograph of that at every opportunity.

Whats on your evening plans?
After we have had afternoon tea in the club lunge at the hotel, we head back to the park for a couple more rides and then fireworks. We enjoyed wondering round the Disney Village before jumping on the shuttle bus back to the hotel.
What did you buy today?
Today we bought key rings, well we were lucky to be given Pixy Dust from Thumper and his Cast Members. They gave us a voucher for 6 key chains, so off to the shop we went, the children choose key rings for their selfs, they then picked one for Mummy and Daddy. They then choose one for their Aunty and Uncle.
Whats the last thing you do before you say goodnight?
Staying at club level, we had free soft drinks until 10pm at night in the club lounge. Amazing, this meant after a long day out and about we could head down to lounge, grab a drink or two. I even had a couple of Glowtini’s that we ordered with the Cast Members in the lounge, they then pop to the bar to collect it and then we just pay the bill. My Hubby enjoyed a couple of pints. And the children were happy with the cans of pop of apple juice.
We then head up to our room, taking a couple of cans of pop with us to shower and get a good night’s sleep ready for another day of fun.
You can find Sarah over at: