A 4 year olds perfect day at Disneyland Paris
Today is little Naminé's turn to talk all about her perfect day at Disneyland Paris. I hope you enjoy it.
First things first, what time are you waking up, how and where are you?
I want to get up when it's morning, it has to be sunny. I think I want to have a hotel with 2 beds and a pirate covers. (I think she means Santa Fe)
Who is with you and are you a planner?
Nanny Holiday, Auntie Fic, Nanny Gracie. Who else can I pick?!

Now it’s breakfast time, what are you eating?
I will eat a hotel breakfast and it will be something chocolate! (A bread chocolate thing! - She means a croissant)
Okay, so it’s time to head off to the parks, which one are you heading to and how are you getting there? Are you doing anything on the way?
I'm going to to the Disneyland Park, because there are lots of rides.

You’re in! Whats the first thing you do?
I'm going to go straight on Small World *starts singing*
Whats on your hit list for the morning?
I want to meet some characters like Minnie, Mickey and even Pluto!
It’s lunch time where are you eating and what are you ordering?
I want an Earl of Sandwich. I think I want to find a yogurt somewhere too, maybe we could bring some from Tesco in the UK.

Whats on the plan for the afternoon?
I want t0 meet more characters like Mickey and Minnie again also Cinderella and Belle. Ohh and Anna and Sleeping Beauty.
What Disney snack are you getting to get rid of the 3pm twangs?
Something chocolate, like another croissant.
The parade has been, night is falling, what MUST you get a picture of in the dark?
A picture of us all being scary!

Whats on your evening plans?
I will have not ratatouille for dinner! I would like a buffet so I can choose my own food.
What did you buy today?
I would buy an Ice-cream and a set of ears. Oh and a teddy!
Whats the last thing you do before you say goodnight?
I say I love you.