A perfect day at Walt Disney World in the Spring!
This week Kirsty is sharing her perfect day at Walt Disney World. I love how she would have two rooms (I probably would too!) Check out her post below!
First things first, what time are you waking up, how and where are you?
First morning.. ridiculously early as always due to jet lag. We always say ‘oh we’ll be too tired to wake up early, we won’t this year’ but jet lag has other ideas 🤣
5am start, watching the sun rise across the golf course that joins old key west resort from the balcony.
Who is with you and are you a planner?
I used to be a planner but we all chip in nowadays what with the kids now old enough to know what they want to do. To be fair hubby does most of it and just tells me where to go and when! :)
Now it’s breakfast time, what are you eating?
First morning always an early character breakfast reservation preferably in a park to make the most of a quiet-ish Park (plus the fact we have been up for 4 hours already! :))
Okay, so it’s time to head off to the parks, which one are you heading to and how are you getting there? Are you doing anything on the way?
Magic Kingdom is always the first park we do without fail on our first full day. First trip on the monorail with the kids reciting the spiel word for word.. we are home!
You’re in! Whats the first thing you do?
After eating we tend to head around left through Frontierland and onto Pirates of the Caribbean. No real reason it just always seems to be the case that we head left.
Whats on your hit list for the morning?
Everything in Frontierland apart from splash mountain... we refuse to go on it wearing a poncho so wait until later on in the day when it’s a little warmer. We head back through Fantasyland and walk straight past It’s a Small World as my 8 year old says it’s boring(!) ;) ride Seven Dwarfs, the carousel, philharmagic and then have lunch.
It’s lunch time where are you eating and what are you ordering?
We usually go for a quick service meal for lunch and it’s usually after lunch to be fair as we tend to be still full from lunch. One of my favourites in Magic Kingdom is Pinocchios.
Whats on the plan for the afternoon?
First day we tend to just stay until the 3pm parade and head back to the resort.
What Disney snack are you getting to get rid of the 3pm twangs?
Usually still full up from a big breakfast and dinner we just can’t help ourselves whilst waiting for the parade to nip into the Ice Cream parlour and get us a bit cone or waffle/cookie with ice cream and hot toffee sauce!
The parade has been, night is falling, what MUST you get a picture of in the dark?
The castle.. 100%. The different colours are beautiful but I also love to look up and see the different stores and windows on Main Street too.
Whats on your evening plans?
If we are not tired or we’ve arrived in the park later on in the day (this certainly doesn’t happen on the first day.. we are flagging by 7pm!) we like to stay for kiss goodnight. But on the first day, after a swim in the resort pool we head to Disney Springs.
What did you buy today?
Not a lot to be fair .. We tend to wait until we’ve seen what they is in other parks before we commit to buying anything. If the kids want some ears or take a fancy to something I particularly then we will perhaps get that but we do wait a few days.
Whats the last thing you do before you say goodnight?
Tell the kids to get to sleep or they can’t see Mickey tomorrow 🤣 we tend to have a resort that has two beds in one room. We are yet to have one with separate bedrooms so the kids share and always seem to come alive (typically!) at bedtime! the perfect day at Disney would end in a 2 bed suite with the kids in separate rooms ;)
Aside from being The Money Saving Mum and ensuring we get the best value on our Disney holidays at all times we are vloggers too at hakzvideos.com. Our Florida related videos are without a doubt our most popular videos and my blog posts on how to do Disney on a budget and breaking down the cost to see exactly what you get for your money are our most popular over there.