Starting a new lifestyle with Exante #Ad
Having just walked to Tesco’s with the wind blasting my coat wide open, I thought, something has to change. You see my coat that I brought last year no longer does up and even though I've tried a few diets and healthy eating plans, I'm now at the heaviest I've ever been.
If I'm honest with myself isn't not just about the weight, I don't like what I see in the mirror, sure, but it's other things too. I have hyper-mobility and I'm sure my weight is negatively affecting my joints, making it harder to get out of bed each day, almost impossible to play on the park with my girls and making it hard to breath at night. Those are all things I don't usually share, but they need to be said, I want you to see the bigger picture and how I'm really hoping Exante will help me.
So I contacted Exante, I've heard many things about their products and wanted to share my journey with you all too. They've sent me a 4-week plan box which I am excitedly starting tomorrow (Monday 11th), but I wanted to share my thoughts before the plan first. So here is a little Q+A with myself.
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What were my first impressions of the box and contents?
Honestly I was shocked at how HUGE the box was. I've heard so many negative things about meal replacements in the past, that I really wasn't expecting much to turn up at my door. The box was really heavy and full too, the packages look really smart and it came with everything I need, so I don't have any excuse to not get started. (Which is perfect if like me you like to put things off!)
The box I was sent was the 4-week plan*, which you can check out to see the full list of whats included.

What are my hopes for doing the Exante Programme?
I would love to lose weight. On the Exante website it states an average of 2-5 stone loss in 8 weeks. I'm on the 4 week programme so would love to lose 2.5 stone and then order another 4 week box to get to that 5 stone loss. However, weight loss aside, I want to be able to play with my kids at the park, race the dog up the stairs without feeling like i'm going to die or even be able to run for the bus.

What were/are my fears/worries?
My biggest concern was not liking the products, however having a look through the box I can see there is plenty I will like. Plus Exante was on This Morning with Phil and Holly this week and Holly said that the shake she tried tasted like cake mix, which sounds absolutely perfect to me!
I guess my fear now is that I can't do it, don't have the will power or it just won't work for me. I have a lot of hope in this being the solution that I need.

What plan am I following?
The thing I love about Exante is that there are a few different plans to choose from. Exante 800 where you enjoy 3 Exante meal replacements a day, plus 200 calories of high protein food from the Approved Food List*, 5:2 where you have 5 days of normal healthy eating a week and fast for 2 days on 800 calories of Exante products and Exante 1200 where you have a 1200 calorie flexible diet by enjoying 2 Exante products plus a low-carb meal and healthy snack a day.
I will be following Exante 800. Eating 3 Exante products a day and 200 calories or high protein food.

What are my current Measurements and weight?
These are my measurements and weight as off today (the day before I start).
Weight: 117.4kg
Waist: 52in
Arms: 18.5in
Bust: 49in
Thighs: 29.5in
Hips: 50.5in
Neck: 15in

What made me choose Exante to work with over any other brand?
I'm a busy parent and if losing weight takes work, then I'm almost certainly going to fail. I put my needs last, forget to eat and don't have time to cook 6 different meals. When I came across Exante, I immediately loved the fact that there were different plans on offer. Telling me that Exante can be a solution for everyone, because we are not all the same.
I also love the fact that there is such a variety of products, it's not just shakes and bars, but soups and pancakes and curry too! There is a wide range of flavours and just plenty to choose from so you don't get bored.
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Okay, I love it, tell me, how do I follow your journey?
If you want to follow my journey live, check out my Insta Stories where I'll be doing updates about how I'm feeling, what I think of the products as I try them and weight loss.
If you are not into Instagram, check back in a few weeks and I'll be uploading a post all about my experience and what my final measurements were.
*This is a sponsored post*