A Perfect Day at Disneyland California in the Spring
I am loving reading these Disney posts. Shedding a little tear while dreaming on myself at Disney is a fave past time of mine. So here is this weeks A perfect Day at Disney. Featuring Kirsty and her perfect day at Disneyland Anaheim.
First things first, what time are you waking up, how and where are you?
We’re independent family travellers so waking up in our dream Southern California house-swap (with garden and hot tub) would be amazing! We’d wake up early because the kids are super excited and drive 20 minutes to Anaheim. (Oh, this part isn’t a dream and this really happened! We totally recommend house-swapping in California)
Who is with you and are you a planner?
It’s the kids (1 toddler, 1 babe in arms) and of course, my partner and me. It’s my partner who the real planner. He’ll have been googling 1 day Disneyland itineraries with weeks beforehand.
Now it’s breakfast time, what are you eating?
A quick bowl of cereal at our nearby house swap. Eating in the garden basking in the California sunshine. We want to get on the road quickly and get a good parking spot.

Okay, so it’s time to head off to the parks, which one are you heading to and how are you getting there? Are you doing anything on the way?
It’s just a quick drive to Disneyland, California so we head straight there along the freeway.
You’re in! Whats the first thing you do?
Of course, we go straight to see Sleeping Beauty’s Castle. Nothing symbolises Disney more than this! As an adult, it’s a little smaller than imagined but the toddler loves it.
Whats on your hit list for the morning?
Travelling with a toddler and a baby, it’s all about the traditional Disney rides for us. The Flying Dumbos, the Mad Tea Party Tea Cups, Peter Pan and of course, It’s a Small World After All (twice!)
Once we’ve done the firm favourites, we take the monorail to have a bird’s eye view of the park. Next, we brave the queue to board a Finding Nemo Submarine. The long wait is worth it as this ride wins the heart of our toddler!

It’s lunch time where are you eating and what are you ordering?
A plate of salty chips with tomato ketchup. Nothing encapsulates lunch at a theme park more. Unfortunately vinegar isn’t big in California!
Whats on the plan for the afternoon?
The crowds are building up so we find a quiet spot for the baby to nap in the buggy whilst the toddler goes wild in Mickey’s House.
Later, we take a leisurely family boat ride through the Pirates of the Caribbean. Our toddler seems oddly fascinated by the guns and cannons… oh dear…
Finally, we unleash the toddler again at Tarzan’s Treehouse play area whilst I give the baby a feed. Dad chases the toddler across dozens of rope bridges until he’s so tired he takes a quick nap in the baby’s buggy. This gives Dad a quick chance to go on a rollercoaster alone.
What Disney snack are you getting to get rid of the 3pm twangs?
Sweet popcorn- lots of it! Oh and of course, a healthy apple that I’ve stashed in the nappy bag.
The parade has been, night is falling, what MUST you get a picture of in the dark?
We take 100s of photos of the amazing floats. Even the baby is absolutely captivated by the lights and the music. Toddler loves popping bubbles in time to the music! Our arms ache from waving for so long.

Whats on your evening plans?
Sadly because we’re staying outside the park we leave as the fireworks explode in the sky over us. It’s been a long and sweaty day but leaving to the finale of parade is an awesome note to leave on.
What did you buy today?
Mmm… tricky question. Food? Snacks? We prefer to travel light so keep souvenirs to a minimum. That said, the kids’ playroom at home is FULL of Disney dress-up clothes and soft toys.
Whats the last thing you do before you say goodnight?
As we tuck the toddler up in bed, he tells us about his favourite rides ( the Finding Nemo submarines!) and asks to watch a Mickey Mouse cartoon the next day! He’s fallen in love with Disney! I suspect that this won’t be our last Disney visit.
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