Mummies Waiting for a Disney kinda day!

by - 08:00:00

Do you know whats really exciting? Sitting in my Minnie ears planning my next trip to Disneyland Paris!

That will have to wait for today though. Today I have something even more exciting to tell you. (No, I've not got a trip booked!) Mummies Waiting is rebranding!

Main Street at Disneyland Paris

We've changed a lot over the years. From that first post that started off about child loss and my (non-spelling) self 'waiting' to be a mother, to the girls first trip to Disneyland Pairs where I couldn't find any of the information I wanted and the real destination of Mummies Waiting was discovered.

I wanted to help parents to plan stress free Disneyland Paris holidays to make magical memories that last a life time! None of the stress, none. But all of the fun and excitement!


So head over to our new social media, we are the same, just under our new name, 'A Disney Kinda Day'!


"It was all started by a mouse"




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