
Reducing Stress and Taking Care of Yourself

Home life can be stressful, especially if you’re a busy family with young children. Amongst all of the school activities, play dates and days out, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. That’s why it’s important that you make relaxation higher in your priorities. Taking steps to reduce stress in your home life is important. You children often mirror your moods, and a happy child is definitely better than a stressed one! Whether it’s finding little ways to unwind, or taking bigger steps to improve your mental and physical wellbeing, there’s always something you can do. Here’s some top tips on how to improve your mood and say goodbye to stress at home.

Reducing Stress and Taking Care of Yourself


An untidy home is the bane of any parents’ life. Sometimes everything can seem out of place and a real mess. Whilst it’s a tough ask to keep things spotless in a family home, keeping on top of it is crucial. Set yourself one or two days a week, where you can have a quick whizz around the house to tidy away misplaced items. You can even turn this into a game with your little ones, and see who can pick up the most in a certain amount of time! There’s a whole load of clean up games for kids that you can take inspiration from. Soon enough, the house will be tidy and you’ll feel a weight lifted from your shoulders!

Reducing Stress and Taking Care of Yourself

Get yourself organised

As a parent, you’re used to organising everyone else. After a while, it’s easy to forget about yourself. Making sure you’re organised with everything you need is just as important as everyone else! Whether you need to plan ahead for your week at work, or note down a quick to-do list at the start of every day, getting yourself organised helps you to keep a clear head. Writing down your tasks means you’ve got them to refer back to, and makes sure that nothing’s missed. After all, the likelihood is there’ll be 101 tasks to do before lunchtime!

Reducing Stress and Taking Care of Yourself

Eat well

When you’re busy, it’s very easy to push the cooking aside and order in. This isn’t to mean the odd takeaway on a weekend can’t be enjoyed, though. Cooking meals at home is much friendlier on your wallet, not to mention healthier for you and your family! If you look online, there are numerous quick and easy recipes for the whole family. Plus, if you make in bulk, you can make sure lunches are covered. This stops you stressing about what you’re going to eat during your busy daytimes.

Reducing Stress and Taking Care of Yourself

Stay active

Alongside eating well, you and your family should be living an active lifestyle. Exercise releases serotonin into your body, which in turn improves your mood. Not to mention the physical benefits exercise has for you! You don’t even need a gym membership – weekend walks are great for family bonding time. It’s good to get out of the house, have some fresh air and spend some quality time without any gadgets or TV getting in the way!

Reducing Stress and Taking Care of Yourself

Create a natural-feeling décor

Speaking of the outdoors, incorporating nature into your home is a sure fire way of reducing stress. Use house plants placed around your home to add a splash of colour – they’ll also make the air feel much cleaner! You can also use other natural elements, depending on your budget. You could buy a mini water feature, use exposed stone walls, or install wood flooring. If you can’t afford real wood, laminate flooring works just as well and is more cost-efficient. It’s also incredibly durable, so it will stand the test of time, even with the busiest of families.

If you often find yourself feeling stressed at home, taking good care of yourself is a good place to start. Sometimes, making the slightest changes to your routine can make a big difference. Whether it’s changes to your home or personal lifestyle changes, there’s always steps you can take to reduce stress! What other tips have you got for reducing stress and taking care of yourself?

Looking for more life tips? Why not check out our post about putting magic into your life!

*This is a collaborative post*