
On the tenth day of parenting - Things to do outside this Christmas Season

Hello and thank you for hopping over from Welsh Mum and welcome to the 10th day of #12DaysOfParenting. Today's sponsor is Geocaching who are offering a 1-year membership and the theme is Things to do outside this Christmas Season. My keyword to enter today’s giveaway is in this post below, good luck! Full details of the #12DaysOfParenting terms and conditions can be found on the #12DaysOfParenting page and all entries are to be completed via the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.


We are a technology family, we love nothing more than to sitting together on the sofa, playing on our pads/laptop/ps4/Insert other devices here! Actually probably the only time you’ll find us enjoying the outside world is when we’re lazing by the pool or at Disneyland Paris. So as I sat and planned today's topic, I thought ‘Great, what on earth am I going to write about?!’ and then it twigged, we actually DO do things outside. So here are my ideas of things to do outside for technology loving families.

  1. An open-air cinema
    We’ve visited the one in Cambridge a few times now and have to say it’s such a wonderful experience to sit under the sky and watch a DVD with complete strangers.

  2. Community Events
    I’m a big lover of supporting my local community in any way possible and events are a great way to do that. From watching the Christmas Tree lights get switched on to the Eel festival, we try to get out to as many free events as we can during the year.

  3. Find a new park
    We love to find new parks, take a walk and see where it leads you, you’ll be surprised how many secret parks there are in your local area that you’ve not yet found. We love to explore new ones.

What do you do outside? I’d love to know your ideas.

Today’s Codeword is: Glitter, if you would like to read another post and gain another entry, then head over to Bubba Blue and Me for their take on Things to do outside this Christmas Season.

To enter the grand prize draw, head over to 12 Days Of Parenting where you can also find all the #12DaysOfParentingPosts so you won't miss any!

a Rafflecopter giveaway