
On the eleventh day of parenting - 12 Ways Parents Can Relax this Season

Hello and thank you for hopping over from Welsh Mum and welcome to the 11th day of #12DaysOfParenting. Today's sponsor is Plyt who are offering a Plyt Board Game and the theme is 12 ways parents can relax this season. My keyword to enter today’s giveaway is in this post below, good luck! Full details of the #12DaysOfParenting terms and conditions can be found on the #12DaysOfParenting page and all entries are to be completed via the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.


We all need to take 5 and relax, but as busy parents, that often just doesn’t happen and we just keep running until we hit empty.

Right now, I’m the worst for this. Late nights, early mornings… burning the candle at both ends. Oh my goodness I need sleep!

So today I’ve put together a list of 12 things you can do that will help you to relax this season!

  1. Take a long bath
    Not go the time? Pop a podcast or a training course on in the background and listen to it while you soak. It still counts as working right?! ;)

  2. Make a drink
    Pop the kettle on or heat the milk in the microwave and make yourself a nice hot drink. It’s amazing how different your evening can go after a couple of soothing sips.

  3. Treat yourself!
    You’re important too! Pop to the shop and get yourself a little (or not so little treat) a snack or item that you’ve wanted for a while but haven’t let yourself get.

  4. Order a takeaway
    Cooking overnight can be such a chore, why not have the night off and just enjoy someone else cooking for once. Takeaway doesn’t HAVE to mean greasy burger!

  5. Play some video games
    If you’re not a gamer, why not have a try? There are some great relaxation games on the PlayStation and if you really don’t want to play video games, what about a good old-fashioned board game, playing with the kids and relaxing too!

  6. Watch some Tele
    Sit down, pop your feet up and watching something that you don’t REALLY need to concentrate on.

  7. Dance!
    This always works for me. I hate dancing and I would never do it in public, but dancing and singing in my front room at the top of my voice, makes me feel so much better!

  8. Get a massage
    If you’ve got some spare cash, go get a massage.

  9. Take a trip - without the kids!
    Whether you pop into the local town, just sit on the trains or go away somewhere, go out and relax.

  10. Read a book
    What’s the book called? The one you’ve been wanting to read since your baby was first born? To your favorite mag that you NEVER get to pick up anymore. Go get it and take the time to enjoy it.

  11. Have a pamper session
    Go get your hair or makeup done, just relax and enjoy someone pampering YOU for once

  12. Just take five!
    If you’re feeling completely stressed and you just need a quick fix. Take 5. Leave the room, curl up in a ball and remember YOU CAN DO THIS.

I’d love to know your ideas please leave them for me in the comments below!


Today’s Codeword is: Ribbon, if you would like to read another post and gain another entry, then head over to Bumps Babies Tots and Teens Mummy Diaries for their take on 12 ways parents can relax this season.

To enter the grand prize draw, head over to 12 Days Of Parenting where you can also find all the #12DaysOfParentingPosts so you won't miss any!

a Rafflecopter giveaway