
Because Life Is Worth Celebrating : Week 22

Wow, tomorrow is Christmas which means this is the penultimate Celebrate post! I’ve noticed I’ve not been taking so many pictures really so I’m going to get on with that next week because I don’t want to miss out on memories!


1. Grandads Wreath

I put my Grandads wreath on the door and it makes me smile every time we go in and out of our house

2. Cathedral drop in

This week was the Cathedral drop in for Christmas. We had a lovely time and Kairi really got into the crafts that she made. It was is nice too see both the girl enjoying themselves.

3.  Christmas Story

The girls got the changce to learn all about the Christmas story this week. It was lots of fun watching them ask and answer questions. They finally realised what our nativity scene at home was for too.

4. The Big Christmas Tree

We took a look at the big Christmas tree. It was so beautiful dn Kairi really loved it. I love how she enjoys Christmas as much as me.


5. Baby pics

I took a chance oto look through the girls baby pics this week (Well a few of them anyway). It as so lovely to see my 2 little ‘best friends’ and how much that have grown and changed. Ryan pointed out that NaminĂ© still does everything that Kairi does. Made me chuckle because he is so right!


6. Redecorating our house

I took the tree and Christmas decs down and put that back up again finally this week. The house looks so Christmassy and ready now, I can't wait to enjoy the season!

7. Clean House

I took a  bit of time out to really give the house a deep clean this week. It looked so great with all its shiny surfaces and has made me feel proud of our home all over again.


8. Kairi made Christmas Presents

Ptch and Puffy let a fun box full of Christmas crafts this week and Kairi took the time to make lots of Bracelets and card packets for all her friends. I’m so proud of her and they look amazing!


9. Snow a week late

The snow has been gone for a week now, but it was still so nice to see the everlasting huge snowballs on the field near the cathedral. Especially as there was no cold snow on my feet! Haha!

What did you get up to this week? Any adventures?