
Because Life Is Worth Celebrating : Week 20

Week 20! 5 Months of celebratory posts, as we get closer to Christmas, this year seems to have just whizzed passed. This week has been fantastic, we spent it in Disneyland Paris and made so many happy memories!

Here is my celebratory list for this week!

1. North Pole Breakfast

Patch and Puffy turned up this week and marked December starting! eek! They brought with them their North Pole Breakfast and Kairi and NaminĂ© loved it so much. Kairi told me it was the 'best breakfast ever' and that she wants it every day!

2. The Girls Faces Once They Realised Where We Were

If you look at the photo above, you can see Kairi's shocked face. We had just walked through the doors from the Eurostar and the girls were SURE they were still just going to a far away park. Kairi's face was amazing to see once she actually realised where we were! I can't wait to get the vlog edited and uploaded onto our YouTube channel: Mummies Waiting

3. Nutella Muffin

I loved having the change to sit and relax with my Nutella muffin and Disney hot chocolate this week. So much yum!

4. Tower Of Terror Show

The show on the tower actually blew my mind. I love how much Disney used the tower and their new lasers. It was so impressive and I can't wait to write about it all next week.


5. Quality Family Time

My absolute favourite thing about this week was the amazing family time we had. 5 whole days where I didn't work and I barely checked my phone. We ran around Main Street and played tag, laughed, cuddled and just spent the most amazing time together.

6. Naminé meeting Aurora

lt was so nice to see NaminĂ© meeting Aurora, it was just all so natural to her and she ran straight to give her a hug and chat to her.

7. Magic Sticker

Oh how would we ever get through leaving the country without the magic sticker?! I'm feeling very grateful that the magic sticker was in our bags to help us get through the week.


8. Kairi Finally Meeting Marie

The first time we took the girls to Disneyland Paris, Marie was there, but we didn't meet her. Every time since she hasn't been around and I've known just how much Kairi would love to meet her. So it was lovely to see her before we left this week. Kairi didn't want to talk to her, but wanted to give her the biggest hug and she had a huge smile on her face. They danced and played and I got some amazing memory footage of them having fun.


9. EOS Brownie

Earl of Sandwich makes the most AMAZING brownies! They are SO tasty and we, of course, had to stop for them.

What did you get up to this week? Any adventures?