
The List Linky 24th November

Welcome back to ‘The List‘, THE place to share your list posts.

This is my first week hosting The List after the wonderful Aby from You Baby Me Mummy passed it on to me. I'm a lover of lists and especially enjoy reading list posts, so I can't wait to read your posts and get to know you all.

Who can link up?  You can link up any post that is a list or that contains a list (by that I mean a couple of bullet points is fine).  Recipes, checklists, to-do lists are also fine.  Posts can be old or new, all welcome and you can also link up to 3 posts.


This week I am linking 5 Christmas Items You Need If You're Having Guests Over This Season and Because Life Is Worth Celebrating

My favourite posts from last week were;






  • I'm currently on the train and I've managed to use this time to empty my inbox this week!


  • The Inner Circle has really kicked me into shape this week with its accountability thread


  • I've just finished setting up 2 clients Pinterest accounts and they look amazing! (if I do say so myself!)


  • My wonderful friend Aby made me really think about an awesome business idea for 2018


  • I spent 2 hours face timing with Clarissa from KKMooandMonkey2 while we worked and felt like I was part of an office environment


  • My most popular blog post this week was; Eye Justers Review and Giveaway!


Mummies Waiting