
Because Life Is Worth Celebrating : Week 18

As the train pulls in, another week is about to end, this week has been so nice because the Inner Circle have made me feel so organised! I had a lovely break at the weekend and am feeling great that I've been working my butt off too.

Here is my celebratory list for this week - week 18! That's almost 5 months!!

1. Itty Bitys!

I received these Itty Bittys for review and in turn got in contact with the most lovely PR, I was so nice to talk to someone who is clearly passionate about their job and the product they are advertising.

2. Letters From Santa

Kairi and Naminé got a letter from Santa this week, their faces, when they realised they had post, were amazing and I loved watching them open their letters.

3. Chatting with my Mum and Sis

I had a double FaceTime with my mum and sister, it was so nice to chat to them both and so fun when mum was trying to log off but couldn’t!

4. Christmas Tree Shopping!

We found the most perfect Christmas tree and now I know exactly which one I need to get for our house. Isn’t it so nice to see something that's FULL of branches!


5. My Little Best Friends

I love how much love my girls have for each other, they are the best siblings and I’m so honoured to be their mum, plus getting cute pictures like this is the best!


6. Hot Chocolate

This week we started our real hot chocolates! In a tall glass with squirty cream, marshmallows, sprinkles and a candy cane, they are defiantly the most tasty!

7. Slings

We are working with It’s a Sling Thing to bring you an amazing Disneyland Paris post, I love how comfy the girls were in their carriers for both us and them.


8. Family Time

At the weekend I got to spend the whole day just spending time with my family, no work! We played Minecraft, went out and relaxed, it was so much fun.


9. My Amazing Mother

Mum still puts the duvet cover on for me because I can’t. I did laugh at how flustered she got, but I really appreciate how awesome she is, she does so much for me every week and will never truly understand how grateful I am for that.

What did you get up to this week? Any adventures?