Because Life Is Worth Celebrating : Week 17

by - 06:00:00

It's Friday and we are the one step closer to Christmas EEK!! So here is my very slightly festive celebratory list for the week!

1. Photo Practice

After learning how to really take photos with my iPhone, I’ve been really practising recently and experimenting with a few different styles. I love the photos I got to take in the dark last week, It was so nice to be able to try a different style.

2. Brussel Sprout
I’m not a lover of Brussel sprout, but I have to have them for Christmas, however last year they took so long to cook! So when I found a ready-made kit in Tesco, I bought it straight away! 1 less job on Christmas Day and lots of bacon and chestnuts with my Brussels!

3. Nativity

We created our own nativity this week using Twinkl, the girls loved doing through the storey and it was so nice to watch the play together.

4. Colouring

As Kairi and Naminé did their worksheet this week, I got the chance to do some more colouring. I’m really enjoying taking the time to myself and doing something so relaxing and the girls really love mummy doing her own ‘worksheets’ too.


5. The girls Disney hats

Our Disney holiday is almost here and I've been slowly getting bits ready. This week I got the Disney hats out and the girls tried them on, they looked so sweet and I got just that little bit more excited to tell them!


6. Fireworks

We had a lovely family night out at the fireworks. Kairi and Naminé got to see their first bonfire and seeing their faces was amazing, I can't wait to watch our next show!

7. Faces on rides

The girls loved the rides, but especially Naminé, it's crazy how much she has changed, I can't wait to see her face as she experiences things all over again!! (Eeek! I'm sensing a pattern here! haha)


8. Moving Furniture

I moved the bedroom around and I'm so glad I did, the girls can happily sleep in their own beds now and I don't have to worry about the heat anymore. My biggest plus, Naminé stayed in her own bed until 5am, after taking her self to bed at 6pm. Amazing!


9. Creating Ryans Christmas Advent Calendar

The week I started to put Ryan's advent calendar together! I'm so excited for him to open it. Now, I must sort the girls and Coco's out!

What did you get up to this week? Any adventures?

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