Because Life Is Worth Celebrating : Week 15

by - 06:00:00

This week I'm celebrating our girl's achievements. I love how clever they are and the passion they have for learning. This week is week 15 of my celebratory list, It's so amazing to be about to look back over what we have done the past few months but most importantly really get back to my blogs routes and really think about what I have in life that's good.

1. Ely Museum

This week we took a last minute trip to Ely museum. I was shocked to find out that the 3 of us could become members for the year for just £4. the museum was amazing, so hands-on and the girls had so much fun (especially doing the Halloween trail). I'm looking forward to going back!

2. Kairi Home Ed

Kairi is doing so amazing with her education. I love the passion she has to learn and the incredible feeling of being so proud when she hits another goal. This week she read the word 'CHIP'! I'm so proud of her!

3. Photos at Home for Trailer

We took half an hour the other day to have some fun in front of the camera. I loved messing around with the girls and I love our new trailer that we made. If you haven't seen it yet, you can see it here --> it's at the start of any of our newer daily vlogs!

4. Kairi drawing

I honestly am amazed by how much detail Kairi puts into her drawings every time, hands, fingers, belly button, neck and ears. I love watching her draw people and seeing her skills develop.


5. Family Costa

We stopped off at Costa on Thursday morning and grabbed a coffee as a family for a treat. It's awesome that the girls can have a babychino for 50p! it's such a treat and so much fun for us all. We only have costa at Christmas, so it's exciting that the season is here! #BringOnAllTheBlackForest


6. Skating with Nam

The girls had their first roller skating class this week. I was so proud of them both, but I especially loved to see how well Naminé did! She has so much determination and is now very proud to own her own paw patrol skates!

7. Home ed group

It's so nice to hang around with a group of like-minded people, but mostly, I love to take that time out to send with the girls NO DISTRACTIONS! The view across the lake is also beautiful, so I got to test out my new photography skills and loved it!


8. Painting

We did painting together and it was so much fun, I had forgotten how much I enjoy setting up activities. This week I've been shopping for some more bits and to get some more activity ideas.


9. Disney

I've been really busy saving for, planning and shopping for Disney recently! We go next month and I am SO excited to see the girls faces when they find out! We got these amazing outfits in Sports Direct. I loved taking part in the Christmas Challange!

What did you get up to this week? Any adventures?

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