A letter from Santa without 'naughty or nice'!

by - 10:00:00

If you are a parent of young children that hate using Santa as a threat, you will know the struggle to avoid the 'naughty or nice' list every Christmas! We tell our girls that their behaviour is bad, not that they are bad, so when Christmas rolls around again, it's hard work for us to stop everyone from categorising them into the correct list!

Worse still I hate the fact that I'm always the one trying to forge Santa's signature because every company I've tried wants me to insert reasons as to why my daughters are on the naughty or nice list. So when Real Santa Letters emailed me and asked me if I would be interested in trying out their letters from Santa, I was intrigued, to say the least.


The amazing thing about Real Santa Letters is that they are COMPLETELY customisable, it's not just an 'INSERT NAME HERE' template! I sat down and the computer and within a few minutes, I had a unique personalised letter to the girls from Santa that a) went along with the 'facts' we tell about Santa and presents (because we all say something slightly different) and b) had NO mention of that silly naughty and nice list! Once my letter was complete, the check out was easy, I added names and our address and within a few days, our mail arrived!

I wish I could have shared with you the girl's faces when they realised that the post they were bringing through was in fact for them, not mummy or daddy! They rushed to open it and excitedly looked inside. As we took out the letters, I read them out and the girls faces lit up, they were so excited that Santa had written to them and told them all about what he was doing. The letters also gave the girls the push they needed to actually give us a list of present ideas!

The letters did come with a 'nice certificate' but as the girls couldn't read, I just told them it was a 'write your list' reminder and they were happy with that explanation.


Overall, the letters were beautiful and I absolutely love how customisable they are. I completely recommend heading over and making one for your child/children.

*I was sent 2 letters from Santa in return for a post mention, I wrote a full post because I really feel they are fantastic, all opinions are my own.*

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