#BabyLove My Toddler Life - Review and Giveaway #ad

by - 06:00:00

Technology runs my world, without my iPhone and MacBook, I wouldn't be able to work, I wouldn't be able to stay in contact with family and quite honestly, I would feel so alone in the crazy world of parenting. Becuase of that I want out children to be confident with technology, I want them to know how to work a phone, how to get information from tablets and pcs and I want them to have access to the world, a world full of knowledge and wonder.

That being said, sometimes we all need a reminder to put our phone down. Sometimes I can get so engrossed in relying on social media, shopping, vlogging, taking pictures of the girls and finding new information, that I forget to really see whats right in front of me. I forget that those little things the girls do can so very easily go un-noticed and be soon gone forever.

So when I received an email asking if I would like to review a copy of a book that would remind me just that and offer one to one of my readers as a giveaway, I was so excited and of course said yes.

My Toddler Life

#BabyLove: My Toddler Life, a curious toddler loves to play… especially with his mommy’s smartphone! When Mommy finds him using her phone without permission, it’s the perfect teaching moment.  Mommy reminds her little one that what matters most in life is time together filled with love and attention.

I love how My Toddler Life is a fun story with lots of rhyming (perfect for helping to grown children's vocabulary), the girls and me sat and read the book and each enjoyed the story. The book didn';t make me feel guilty for using my phone, it actually made me feel like its okay to take photo and film from the camera, it's okay to pop onto the apps that I need to use for work, BUT it reminded me to give back time, to take time and put my. phone away and just be in the moment and enjoy those times that go oh-so-fast!

My Toddler Life

If you love the idea and want to get your hands on a book now, you can head over to the authors, the wonderful Corine Dehghanpisheh's, site Books By Corine or pop over to Amazon and use my affiliate link --> My Toddler Life

I'm really glad we got to read the book and I'm so excited to be able to give away a copy to one of you too.

#BabyLove My Toddler Life

*We were sent #BabyLove My Toddler Life Book in return for an honest review, all opinions are our own*

Terms and Conditions
1. There is 1 prize of a #BabyLove My Toddler Life Book (No extras), This prize is non-transferable and no cash alternative is offered.
2. Only 1 prize per household.
3. Open to UK residents aged 18 and over only.
4. Closing date for entries is 12th November 2017 11:59:59
5. The winner will be chosen at random from all valid entries.
6. The winner will be informed within 7 working days of the closing date and will need to respond with a posting date before 20th November 2017 to receive their prize or a new winner will be chosen.
7. This is a joint promotion between Mummies Waiting and #BabyLove My Toddler Life.
8. Entrants must follow have all mandatory steps completed on the day of the draw.
9. Entry to this confirms that participants have read understood and agree to bound by these Terms and Conditions.
10. Mummies Waiting will not be held responsible for any prizes that do not turn up, this is the sole responsibility of #BabyLove My Toddler Life and in this case, Mummies Waiting will not offer a new prize.
11. By entering this competition and leaving your email, you are agreeing to be Subscribed to Mummies Waiting Email List.

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