I'm going to Britmums Live! #BML17
Brimums Live 2017 is at the end of the week and I've started this post about 10 times now! So here is my massive announcement...
I'm going to Britmums Live!!!
How am I feeling?
Honestly, I am still MEGA overwhelmed and in shock! You see, for those of you that don't already know, the absolutely wonderful and amazing Cherry from The Newby Tribe gifted me her ticket. Now those that do know me will know that I have wanted to go to Britmus for years and every year I say 'next year I will be a big blogger and make it', well skip forward to today and I am actually going! in 3 days and 10 hours, I WILL BE THERE and I honestly couldn't be more excited.
There will never be enough words to tell Cherry just how grateful I am, but thank you Cherry, from the bottom of my heart and every inch of my soul. Thank you for this amazing gift and for making this day finally happen, I will never forget this.
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My Travel Plans
So after much umming and arring, I have finally made my plans! I will be travelling down to London from Ely on the early train so I can arrive in London for 8, I will also be getting the train straight back after the boat party at the end.
What I'm wearing
Why, has this decision been harder than choosing a wedding dress HAHAHA! Finally, today 3 days before the event I have found my outfit. I will be wearing leggings, knee-high boots and a dark purple dress. I'm so excited, I actually can't wait to put it all on. Just going to see If I can borrow some chunky beads off someone to go with it.

I'll also have a backpack full of '#AbysLoveButton!'

What sessions am I doing?
- YouTube deep dive! My channel needs some work and now I have a MacBook to work on, I could really do with a deep dive into making it BOOM!
- Smash your goals with focused blogging by the wonderful Aby Moore! (This was obviously a choice, right?!)
- Instagram and Instagram stories - Because you know I'm all about that video!
- Then it's a choice I'm stuck on; Understanding & using Google Analytics (40 mins), The Not-so-secret Life of YouTube Mums (40 mins) or Do you need a redesign? (40 mins). At the moment, I honestly can't decide!
- Lastly, I'll be doing the Pinterest Workshop because I want that traffic!

Anyone I must meet?
No one in particular... OH WAIT!!! Of course, there is, I absolutely extremely really can't wait to meet Aby from You Baby Me Mummy.
I want to meet Aly and all the wonderful Inner circle ladies like Su, Lauren, Kayleigh, Kate and anyone else who I have missed including everyone from Mamapreneur too.