
Because Life Is Worth Celebrating : Week 7

This week has been awesome, our disappointing year is turning in to good and we've been having lots of good news. I've been getting so much done too, I love being focused! So here are my 9 reasons this week that 'life is worth celebrating'. Please don't forget to leave me a comment and tell me what you are celebrating, I really do love to read and try to reply to every one.

1. Taking the Dog to the Feild and Picking Conkers

On Wednesday we seemed to have a very full on day. There was so much work to do that we began to feel overwhelmed and needed a break. We grabbed the dog and a backpack and headed out for a nice walk around the field. We collected so many leaves for our Autumn Planning and the girls went round and collected around about 50 conkers! (Which NaminĂ© liked to call Coconuts)

2. Kairi's First Day Home Ed

Monday was the first day we could officially say we weren't sending Kairi to school and we were home educating her. We started testing out our new routine and had SO much fun. I love how Kairi happily sat and did her worksheets and NaminĂ© joined in too. I wrote a post this week about our 'First Day of Home Education', if you would like to check it out and see what it is like.


3. Gifts for myself

We popped into town on Tuesday and I was feeling fab. Things have been going well and we've been working so hard (more on that shortly), that I purchased 2 Christmas Yankee Candle Holders, Wall Paper Background and a new Notebook for the amazing blogging conference at the end of the month as a treat. That reminds me, I still need to sort out my business cards!


4. Interview and Decisions

So I had an interview this week for a Youth Group close to home. It was awesome to have some time to be me and shine. I got a call the next day and they offered me the job! This next bit gets strange... I took the interview not knowing the times and days for the job (I tried to find out with no luck.)

Anyway, I came to a realization Monday night. I LOVE being a VA like I really really enjoy it and I want to take on more clients, so I've declined the job and am continuing with what I love. It feels awesome to be in a place to be able to say no!


5. Kairi hitting new goals

This week has been crazy. Standing on the train, Kairi read out 'Open' and 'Closed' for the door buttons, then later in the week as we went out, she read the word 'Ely' on the bus and many signs in the City. I tested her with different words containing 3 and 4 letters, even starting with an E and she knew if it was or wasn't Ely, I was amazed. Then finally, this week she decided to write a word, she wrote 'Santa' and then within half an hour wrote a letter 'Santa, I want a teddy'.

She's been talking about writing to him for a while now, so this is amazing!


6. Games with friends

We decided at the last minute to have another BBQ this week as our friend was coming over. We had lots of fun playing board games and just chatting. We really need to do it again soon.


7. Visiting friends for the last time before they start School

So all our friend's children start school now and we are making lots of new ones. Last week we tried to make time to visit our friends to have one last Friday play date. It was so nice to catch up, especially as they play so well.


8. The last Youth Group Trip of the summer

I can't believe the summer is over! All that planning, gone! I had an amazing summer with the youth group and can't wait to update their facebook page and show off all their amazing pictures.


9. Reading Time

As part of our new routine I mentioned earlier, we have been sitting down quietly to read 2 books and have a rent at some point between 2 and 4pm each day. It's been a really nice addition to our day and definitely something we are going to keep up with.

What did you get up to this week? Any adventures?