
Because Life Is Worth Celebrating : Week 6

This week has been so busy! We have done so many amazing things that I struggle to keep this post to 9! But IG will only let me have 9 squares so I had too, Haha! Life is feeling so much more amazing again and I'm really glad I'm writing this weeks 'Because life is worth celebrating!

Okay, I'll stop now, I hope you enjoy. Please don't forget to leave me a comment and tell me what you are celebrating, buy valtrex usa pharmacy, I really do love to read and try to reply to every one.


1. The amazing parents in my Home Education group

As every family we know has started to prepare for their children to start school, I was feeling a little alone and in turn struggling with the wobbles. So after launching my Home Education Group last week, I have really been enjoying the amazing community that we have in there. Everyone is so supportive and there are so many amazing ideas being passed about. It's a big reminder, You are NOT alone! If you would like to join, here is the link: Home Education Starters (Just remember to answer the question :) )

2. Kairi making pink lemonade

During the week Kairi decided that she wanted to make a lemonade stand. We popped to Tesco and grabbed a bag of lemons, she squeezed each one, added the water, sugar and red food colouring and made her own Pink Lemonade, she was so proud! We are going to make a stand to sell it to daddy, but this week has just been so amazingly packed it will have to wait!

3. BBQ with friends

On Saturday, Ryan threw a BQQ for friends. It was so nice to just relax and be an adult. My friend Nicola took the train up to us, which was awesome and the girls played in their paddling pool. Ryan brought farrrr to much food and we are still eating sausages and burgers for the rest of the week. Ha!

4. Home Ed with Daddy

As Monday was a bank holiday, Ryan has the day off. I had so much to get on with this week, that he sat down and did some of Kairi's work with her. It was really nice to see the two of them working together and also great to be an 'outsider' watching her learn. Of course, we gave Naminé her book to and she 'helped' lots.

5. Kairi's first pad drawing

This week is one of those weeks where Kairi seems to have grown up so fast! A simple one, but she drew a picture on her pad that had grass and a sky, it was awesome to see.

6. My amazing friends at the inner circle

Once I joined Aby Moore's Inner circle, I knew I was in the right place. Everyone in that group is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING and I can honestly say I've made some fantastic friends. I love how we are all happy to help each other out and the group itself has given me SO much. I feel so lucky to be part of it.

7. Switching to Wordpress

OMFG AHHHHHHHH!!! I've finally done it. How many years have I been blogging and I have finally switched to Wordpress. Things are a little crazy for me at the moment and I'm just crossing my fingers when ever I post... But exciting amazing things are coming!

8. The last Cathedral trail

We've really been enjoying the Cathedral trail over the past 6 weeks. We've learned about animals, carvings, kings, and queens, it has been so much fun and we are really going to miss it. This week we took a look at the different plant/tree leaves and their 'fruits' we had lots of fun trying to name them.

9. Zooming to the moon with the girls

As we walked home today, Kairi stepped into the park. Just as I was about to say 'no, come on let's go', I changed my mind and decided to have 5 minutes. We all hopped on board the family swing and had SO much! We 'zoomed to the moon' in our space rocket, flew onto the tops of trees and battled monsters. I was reminded of how amazing it is to have my children at home with me and just how much they learn when they play.


What did you get up to this week? Any adventures?