
Top 7 tips for flying with kids!

As a regular traveller I was sure flying with kids was going to be as bad as everyone said, especially as I had two to look after this time. The great news is that it was actually a breeze and the girls were so chilled out and well behaved that I can't wait to do it again. (I've been secretly looking at an Algarve Holiday for next year already!) As we flew home from Portugal, I wrote a list of 7 things that seriously helped us when flying with our kids and I thought I'd share it with you too.
top 7 tips for flying with kids

  1. The Half An Hour Wrap Up.
    This is a tip I found when Kairi was about 6 months and it still helps me every time we fly or travel. Before you leave pop to Poundland and grab a pack of miniature cars (or other small toys), get the cheapest roll of wrapping paper you can (even newspaper would work, but pretty wrapping paper adds to the excitement.) Wrap each car up separately and then give one out at half an hour intervals on your journey. The kids will think that its a new present and will be so excited it should last the half an hour until it's time for the next! Other parents will love this on the plane so share if you have any spare. (Top Tip: Don't forget to pack some in your suitcase for the way home.)
  2. Snack 'n' Go
    Anyone who has a child will know that the best way to keep them quiet is to give them a snack! Raisins, veg sticks, a small treat, homemade muffins and cheerios make great aeroplane snacks that will keep the kids occupied for a while.  (Top Tip: If you pack cheerios, take a string too, once the kids have finished snacking they can tread them to make cute necklaces!)
  3. Technology Is The Way Forward
    As we travel weekly, the girls kindles have become a great resource for us. Loaded up with Ben and Holly, Paw Patrol, Shimmer and Shine and lots of fun educational games, we can easily pass a few hours. When the girls are watching something, we make sure they have their Cozyphones on them which are the perfect comfy travelling headphones. To make their pads less of a 1 person experience, we will sit and do the learning games with them and help to progress their knowledge.
  4. Collapsible Drinks Bottles
    Before we flew to Portugal, I found these awesome collapsible bottles in the train station shop the day before. I knew straight away they would be perfect! The bottles folded down and had a clip on them so they were perfect to hang off the girls backpacks but also they could stay collapsed and empty until just before we got on the plane where we would fill them with water. Perfect for avoiding spills and expensive drinks on the plane!
  5. Blankets
    A cosy blanket and a familiar smell is exactly what is needed for overnight flights. Whenever we travel back late, we always make sure we have the perfect blanket for our trip home to make naps so much easier.
  6. Zip Lock Bags
    Pack, pack and pack again! You can never have enough nappies or spare sets of clothing. Grab a zip lock bag, roll/fold the clothes really tightly and then put them into a zip lock bag, zip the bag up tight, squeezing all the air out and then label it. I know that each child has a full outfit (including a nappy or underwear) and it takes up hardly any space!
  7. Spare Sick Bags
    Unfortunately for us, Kairi gets travel sick even if we use medication. On our way to Portugal, and our transfer across the island once we got there, we had many ill moments with both her and her cousin. I completely recommend either packing zip lock bags, carrier bags without holes or keeping the bags that you have to put your liquid in before you get on the plane. Pick out what you think you will need and then double it. It's best to be safe than sorry. Top Tip: They will come in so handy for other things on holiday. (we loved using them to collect shells!)
Good luck may the odds ever be in your favour!

*This is a collaborative post, all opinions and ideas are my own.*