
Cosmos Ely FREE Summer Roadshow

After hearing through Spotted in Ely that Cambridge Science Centre is holding another FREE Cosmos pop-up roadshow event here in Ely, I knew I had to take the girls. We stumbled on the last pop-up by accident as we visited the drop-in at the Cathedral and I just remember it being totally amazing. Hands on science, so much fun, kids having a great time and not boring for parents either!

The roadshow is at The Maltings in Ely until Sunday 20th August and is aimed at children 7+, however it is suitable for all ages and Kairi (4) and Naminé (2) had so much fun! All visitors (including Nannies, Uncles and Friends!) are encouraged to push, pull and play, really have fun while learning Science. The event is running Monday to Sunday with workshops happening around 3 times daily. There is also a late evening on Thursday 17th August with extra workshops too.

It's only Tuesday as I'm writing this and we have already been over there 3 times, the girls love it! On the ground floor of the Maltings is the main part of the roadshow, exhibits on light, gravity, force and cameras are there with plenty to touch and see. The staff are really friendly and are walking around offering help and more information to build on your knowledge. You can take as little or as much from each station as you like.

Ely Cosmos Roadshow Gravity

We have taken part in both workshops and were very impressed. The lady running them was great with all the children and easily adapted the way she spoke and the speed of the activity for my young girls so they could get the most out of it too.

Ely Cosmos Roadshow Meteors

On Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, you have the opportunity to take part in the 'to the core' workshop where you will create a globe our of plasticine - but with a twist! You will be able to see and learn about the inside of the Earth too.

Ely Cosmos Roadshow to the core

On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, the workshop is rainbow spinners where you will learn about Issac Newton and light! The kids especially loved this one.

Ely Cosmos Roadshow Stars

Upstairs there is also a wind tunnel to create your own flying spinners, a bridge building activity and magnet building. There is plenty to keep the whole family entertained.

Ely Cosmos Roadshow Bridge

If you can't make it over to The Maltings this week, why not head over to see the Lifeworks! Roadshow at Cambridge Central Library. This pop-up is on 7 days a week until September with plenty of workshops too, so head out and learn about the human body, I know we will be!

The last thing to mention is Cosmos Online, a great resource for families to do free fun science activities at home!