
Because Life Is Worth Celebrating : Week 5

This week has been so amazing, I've felt on top of the world. Life has its issues but we always seem to make it though, don't we! I'm on a bit of a high this week after being hired as Aby's VA, but I know next week is going to be just as exciting with so many amazing fun things to do coming up.

Anyway, I will quit the chatter, here are this weeks 9 Because life is worth celebrating (It really is!) Take care and don't forget to leave me yours below, I really do love reading your comments and finding out what you are celebrating too.

Every week I like to write a list of why I am celebrating my life. Here is this weeks, I hope you enjoy.

1. Pleasurewood Hills!
This week was the week we took our Youth Group to the theme park! It's a week we have been waiting for, for what seems like forever. Rides, friends, and fun. A day to remember.

2. Virtual Assistant
This week has been my second week of being Aby's virtual assistant and I have loved it. I'm really enjoying being able to help someone so awesome and learn at the same time.

3. Interview!
Eek! Don't tell anyone as it's a secret but I got an interview for a Youth Group close to our home! I'm so excited to be able to have the chance to get out in the community here and make a difference.

4. Google Photos
Since Ryan talked me into using google photos, I've loved having the freedom to be able to go back and look at old photos. I found the awesome crazy photo of me, my mum and my sister at Walt Disney World all with red hair. Mine was so bright! I love being able to look back at memories and smile.

5. Creating the Home Ed folder
I really enjoyed creating Kairi's Home Ed folder. It's full to the brim of amazing activities and worksheets. I love the idea that she can choose something she loves to do.

6. 'Not back to school' Kit
As  Kairi isn't starting school, but continuing her home education, I didn't want her to feel left out because everyone else will be getting new shoes, new bags etc. So we took her out shopping and created her very own 'back to home ed'/'not back to school' kit. I can't wait to give it all to her as her official starting present!

7. Home Educating Kairi
I've written a post this week about the home ed wobbles and how nervous I am feeling, but it doesn't stop me from celebrating the fact that I get to home educate our daughter. I'm so proud of what we can give her.

8. Outdoor Cinema
As you probably know, I LOVE free community events! Cambridge Bid hosted this free outdoor cinema in the market place this week and we went along to watch Toy Story 2 with the girls. It was absolutely FREEZING! but we had an amazing time and I'm so glad we made the effort. We even ended up on the big screen camera.

9. Hot Chocolate Before Bed
Autumn is finally coming and if you didn't know it is my absolute favorite season. Everything becomes spiced or amazingly flavored, everywhere starts looking really pretty with twinkly lights and we get to wear snuggly jumpers and boots! As we are getting close, I have started to notice the hot chocolate in the cupboard again, so this week we decided to have a small cup before bed.

What did you get up to this week? Any adventures?