
Because Life Is Worth Celebrating : Week 3

I've been really enjoying taking 5 minutes to think about all the wonderful things that have happened during a week and noting them down to remember forever. It's going to be lovely to look back in a few years and see what amazing things we got up to.

When I first started Mummies Waiting, almost 5 years ago, I would pop in a bit about what we got up to, so it's nice to see my blog back to its roots! Anyway, without any more 'chit chat', here is this weeks 'Because life is worth celebrating'.

sometimes you just need to celebrate life!

1. Patrick and Marty's Wedding
This week we had the honour of watching Ryan's best friend marry his husband. What an amazing day, I love a good wedding!

2. The girls BOTH slept through the night!
The girls both actually slept through the night and it felt amazing!

3. Family Photo
Alert! Alert! We actually got an amazing family photo that I love 😍😮😵

4. Garden Work
We've been working really hard on the garden. It's starting to look beautiful and I'm so glad we have a garden for the girls and dog to play in.

5. Coco's Birthday
Our not-so-little Coco turned 7 this year. He had a very spoilt birthday and I'm so grateful for him every day! (Even when he's woof woof woof!)

6. Aby's Blog Critique
The amazing Aby from YouBabyMeMummy did the most fantastic blog critique! I love being part of her Inner Circle, is the best, supportive community.

7. Dinosaur Park with Auntie Nic
We took a trip to the dinosaur park with Nic this week. It was so much fun! Kairi and Nic love the dinosaur park and watching the girls get to stroke animals was perfect.

8. Day out at the beach
We also had a lovely day out with Auntie Vic, we popped to the beach, built sand castles and had lots of fun, it was so nice. (Got the girls a free bubble tea too!)

9. Last minute ice cream treats
Lastly, we took the last minutiae decision to grab an ice cream treat and enjoy. Kairi's face was a picture and I love how Naminé just got stuck straight in.

What did you get up to this week? Any adventures?