
Because life is worth celebrating: Week 2

This week has been one of those weeks where I've seamed to have done everything, but also nothing at the same time. It's week 2 of 'Because life is worth celebrating' and I'm really enjoying taking the time to look back over the week and think about all the amazing things we have done and what has made me happy. So without further chat, here is this weeks.

Because life is worth celebrating

  1. Tea Party
    Mini cups and plates, hot chocolate and biscuits, having a tea party with the girls was so much fun. I loved watching them share and pour each others 'tea'. Best of all they washed up after!

  2. Family walks and time at the park
    This week we have been making a real effort to get out of the house together and have some fun. Me and Ryan have been slinging the girls up onto our backs and then having a bit of a power walk and then the girls have been having time at the park where we play without any distractions.

  3. Toddler Group and Tuff Trays
    We are coming to the end of our toddler group journey with Kairi now. She is starting to outgrow them and we will soon be moving on. So I've been thinking a lot lately about what toddler groups have given us. Time, friends, a safe place to chat, play and learn but most of all the feeling that I have because I have had the chance to take part and help out. I love creating Tuff Trays so it was great to create some for group too.

  4. The River
    Ely is such an amazing place and we are so lucky to be able to live here. The river is so beautiful and unless you live here, you will never understand this crazy 'duck loving' world we are in. There is something so calming about walking past the river and seeing the ducks.

  5. Matching Outfits
    I love being able to put the girls in matching outfits. It makes my heart melt every day. Kairi and Naminé are now getting to an age where they are both choosing their own clothes and usually they are different, so I'm loving the matching outfits while I still can.

  6. Nanny
    Having a Nanny that the girls get to see regularly means so much to me. I am so lucky to still have my mum about and even more lucky that she has my girls for me week after week. Thursdays really are a special day of the week.

  7. Mint Ores on offer
    Oh My Goodness! These were AMAZING! There isn't much more I can say, but send me more!

  8. Having a desk
    Having a desk has been so great because it has meant that I have a chance to sit down and work. I can also spread about and get things done, then pack it all away so you would never know!

  9. Summer School - Ignite your audience
    Aby from YouBabyMeMummy has an amazing summer school this year and last week was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! I had so much fun taking part and couldn't wait for the next email.
So that was my amazing week, don't forget to let me know about yours in the comments bellow.