
FREE Summer Holidays Ultimate Activities eBook

With the summer holidays starting here next week, I have been making my final preparations for 6 weeks full of fun! As a mother of 2 and a Play leader, organising activities to keep 30+ children happy and occupied is something I've become very good at!

I know school holidays can be stressful for everyone. School children have 10 months worth of pent up energy and they just burst to let it out. For us parents, whether your children are of school age or not, everything changes. Groups stop running, shops and days out become packed and everywhere we go we are met with crowds, crying children and parents who are longing for a break.


This year my goal was to make that different for you, for all parents. I want you and your family to be able to enjoy your whole break and not feel as though you are stressed out, running out of ideas and wishing for September to be here already.

So I've created the Ultimate Activities eBook which includes 57 different free and cheap activities to get you through this holiday period. (That's more than 1 a day.) At the bottom of this page, you will find your FREE copy with enough activities to full 1 week, if you want to get your hands on the other activities then take the link over to our sales page where you can buy the whole book for only £4.99!

Summer Holidays

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