
Using free time in the Summer Holidays

This week we have a guest post from a lovely lady who is getting organised!

Many of us use the summer to get much-needed things done around the house. When you have school-age kids, 1st September becomes the new New Year's Day in a way, and with the kids at home and parents with normally a little more time off, it’s typically the best time for us to do any large-ish home projects.

This year we’re going to be redecorating the kids’ bedroom for the first time since the first one was a baby, as they’re outgrowing their current one. Hopefully this redecoration can last them for a good few years to come and continues to be a cosy sanctuary for them. 

Here are a few things I’ve been thinking about in the lead-up to our room refreshing which I hope is helpful to anyone else facing the challenge!

Using free time in the Summer Holidays

Use the opportunity to declutter
The room is so full of baby toys that they’ll no longer use, so I will use this as an opportunity to get sell or give away a lot of the things we’ve accrued over the past few years. We’re going to have to empty the room to do the painting anyway so we might as well seize the moment! You might find it easier to list items on local marketplaces to avoid lifting heavy items, or alternatively use a large item courier to get things moved.

Get the kids involved

Allowing them to have a say in their room redecoration could make them feel more excited and engaged in the whole experience and they may even feel invested enough to help you out.
Be careful though - Peppa Pig might be good now but ideally your new decorations will last as long as possible so avoid anything too thematic that may not stand the test of time! This doesn’t mean you can’t have a theme, but perhaps accent the theme in extras or room accessories rather than in the painting where it is more difficult to get rid of if they change their mind.

New Princess Bed with Slide and tent

Change up the furniture for extra ‘newness’
While the room is empty, have a think about rearranging furniture - there might be a better way to angle things that creates more space for playing. With the money made from your decluttering, you can upgrade their furniture to something more age-appropriate that’ll be used for a few years down the line. Searching eBay, Gumtree or secondhand furniture sites could bag you a bargain or find you something truly unique that you wouldn’t be able to buy in store.

Plan it all before you’re off work

If you’ve taken a few days off work for this redecoration, make sure you plan everything in the lead up to it. You don’t want to be spending this precious time shopping for brushes that you forgot to buy and comparing colour swatches in B&Q when you could be getting the work done. If you think you’ll need an extra pair of hands, see if you can ask a friend to help (maybe offer dinner or a bbq as a reward!) even if it’s just for the heavy lifting. Set up an cosy alternative bed in another room whilst the paint dries so the kids still have their own place to go and aren’t too disrupted by the whole experience.

If you would like more ideas on being organised this summer holidays then grab out 'Ultimate Activities' eBook

*This is a collaborative post*