
Ely Food Festival 2017 Review

On Monday we took a stroll around Ely's food festival, our senses tingled with the luxurious tastes, smells and sights all around. The green was full of people chattering and laughing and the picturesque background of the beautiful Cathedral topped the whole event off.

We decided to take a walk around first, we wanted to see what was available and work out our favorite choices. We walked from the Cathedral up to Oliver Cromwell's house and then back again. We made the decision to grab a few different things and try each other rather than grabbing lots of samples and buying separate meals.

Ely Food Festival 2017


For our first stop, we headed over to La Hogue Hogs to try out one of their delicious rolls. For £5 we got a hog roast in a roll complete with stuffing, crackle and apple sauce. The hog was being cooked right in front of you and the service was very fast.

Ely Food Festival 2017 Hog Roast

The hog roast its self-tasted fantastic. The meat wasn't dry and the stuffing and applesauce were perfect with it. The crackle wasn't too hard of too chewy and we finished it pretty quickly between the 4 of us.


Kairi Trying a Hog Roast Ely Food Festival 2017

Ryan Trying a Hog Roast Ely Food Festival 2017

For our second stop, we went to Georges Bakery. We had tried their food last year so we were excited to try a few new bits this year. Ryan started off by grabbing a triple chocolate brownie. Once biting into it, we knew it was the perfect choice. The slices were large and only £2.50 each.

Georges Bakery Ely Food Festival 2017

  My choice was a Bacon and Maple syrup cake. I honestly wasn't sure about my choice, although i love bacon I'm not keen on it in a sweet dish, however, I knew it was something I needed to try. We paid our £2.50 and I took my first bite. WOW! What a taste explosion and sweet and softness of the maple syrup in the cake, paired with the salty and crisp bacon was the perfect combination. The slice size was huge and I definitely couldn't eat it in one go so I boxed it up and polished it off later at home. It was the perfect treat.

Maple and Bacon Cake Georges Bakery Ely Food Festival 2017

 Ryan decided to go for another savory dish and had a quiche. For £2.50 he got a large slice of BBQ chicken and although I didn't try it, he reassured me it was wonderful.

BBQ Chicken Quiche Georges Bakery Ely Food Festival 2017

We then took another stroll around to decide what we wanted to try last, I headed on over to the Watergull Orchards and after tasting a sample quickly purchased a large bottle of Pressed Apple and Elderflower juice for £2.50. It was perfectly sweet and had such a smooth taste.

Dancing at Ely Food Festival 2017

The girls loved walking around and a few times we stopped listed to the music and had a dance. It was so much fun. 

Dancing at Ely Food Festival 2017

For our last taste, we grabbed a Gormet Choritzo Sandwich which tasted like Paella in a bun and was so good. For £6 you got a decent sized sandwich and a large chunk of chorizo sausage.

Gormet Choritzo Sandwich at Ely Food Festival 2017

On our way back we took a final walk through town. Although we didn't buy anything, we were impressed with the Vegan stalls and loved seeing things we hadn't before including 'scotched eggless'!

Did you pop to the festival, we would love to know what you thought. Don't forget to head on over to our Instagram to see more photos of our trips round Ely and head over to the review section of the blog to find more.