AquaPlay Portable LockBox review
I'd heard AquaPlay mentioned on many parenting Facebook groups before as being a fantastic toy for the garden. As Kairi is a child who loves to explore and make a mess, we knew that this would be the perfect gift for her 4th Birthday.
We headed over to Amazon and ordered a AquaPlay 616, Portable LockBox
. We chose the LockBox because its was both portable and could also be added on to if she wanted to expand her set in the future.
It arrived in a HUGE box and honestly, I wasn't really expecting it to be that big so I was really pleased and could already see the value for money. We emptied the contents out and after around 10 minutes, I had figured it out and put it all together. (To be fair, it would probably have been much faster had I read the instructions).
As it was a cold day outside, we set the LockBox up on the kitchen floor I grabbed two washing up size bowls of water and filled it up. Within seconds the girls were ready to play.
The LockBox itself comes with 1 car, 1 boat, a crane (with 2 buckets that can go into the boat or car), a ramp, bridge, a pump and a variety of gates. The contents can be placed in different areas of the box and you can purchase a variety of add-ons or extras.
Overall, the girls absolutely love the box and have played with it every day since Kairi opened it. The toy is very robust and has so far withstood both the girls climbing inside it to get wet! I love how it promotes co-operative play as well as new learning experiences that can be had both with and without an adult around.
If you would like to see more products that we've tried head on over to the review section of the blog or go check out Kairi's cinema birthday review for much more fun.
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