
Organising Family life: My Goals

This week has been extremely overwhelming for me. From an ill husband to juggling two toddler's busy schedules and overdue cleaning I've had no idea where to start and I couldn't see the end goal (or my floor!). Enter my organization system, the whole way I stay organized with little ones. The Bullet Journal!

Organising Family Life

For each of the sections below, I have a list of items I would like to help make these goals come true. The list is long, but I thought I would share a few with you:

Learning - I'm desperate for a tray storage (which I used to have in school) that I've found at Furniture at Work

Cleaning - I would love a new Hover from Dyson

Social - There is always time for another Disney trip

If it wasn't for my Bujo this week I honestly don't know how I would have stayed on track. I've written about it twice before 'Being organized' and 'How I stay organized as mum and blogger' but I always miss out the same parts. My goals look boring but are actually the foundation of my journal and without them, I would never know what I was doing.

Household Goals

First of all, there is my 'Household Goals' page. The main goal (to be happy) is split into 3 mini goals and each mini goal is split into colour-coded tasks. This page allows me to see, at a glance, what tasks need to be done and what I am overdue on. I can write each task into my weekly spread as I am doing my planning.

Bullet Journal Goals

Cleaning & Home

As I plan out my weekly on a Sunday, I use the cleaning section out of my 'household goals' page to plan out each of the week's tasks on the correct days. I can look back over the weeks to check when each task was last done and always complete one monthly task on the last week on the month.

Bullet Journal cleaning

Social & Fun

A massive part of this is about taking the girls out to groups or going away. The groups get placed into weekly spreads and I use a strike-through and an 'x' to track whether we attended or missed the group. For Holidays and Trips, I create a spread to help me remember what to pack and another for important information and any schedule we will need.

Bullet Journal holiday

Learning & Education

This is the last home area that I keep track of. Using my tasks I have created a tracker to ensure that I am offering the girls a variety of educational choices throughout the week and also keeping a list of their interests. I also have the EYFS Early Learning Goals written out so I can cross off when the girls have met their current goals.

Bullet Journal leaning eyfs

So without my goals page, I would be lost in a sea of missed groups and un-swept floors. I hope this post has helped you start to realize the best way for you to get organized and if you have any ideas please share them in the comments below as I would love to see them. Don't forget to join us over on Instagram for more Bullet Journal spreads.
*This is a collaborative post, all opinions and ideas are my own.*