
Being organised - Bullet Journal

This time last year I was behind on everything. I had endless pieces of paper everywhere filled with ideas, lists and reminders, half of which I lost and the majority of which I postponed or just never got round too completing. I felt like I was drowning in a never ending pool of cleaning, tidying and completing personal and household chores. I would stay awake at night reminding myself of one of the many things I had to do that week and hadn't.

Enter the Bullet Journal!

A year on and my world is a different place. In April last year I found out about the bullet journal system an immediately fell in love, it combined all my endless lists into one place and stopped postponing things. By the end of May I felt like a different person, my house was clean, my home was tidy and my life was in good order. I want to share with you some of my favourite spreads from 2016 that I have carried over to use again this year.

Bullet journal layout year planner

A year at a glance.

I love to be able to easily see and add to my year quickly. All important dates are here so I don't double book anything.

Bullet journal layout Disney saving tracker

Savings tracker.

Last year between May and October I managed to save £500 this year I'm hoping to save more. I've changed my trackers from money jars to the Disney castles do I will colour in each brick as I save.

Bullet journal layout children learning My children's learning and interests.

I love to see my children learn and to watch them grow but as a parent, I'm constantly worried that I'm not offering them activities to cover all their areas of learning. With this tracker I can make sure I'm not missing anything out and also keep an idea of what their interest are and how they change. Last summer I realised that we weren't offering enough time to write and draw so we changed our room to promote that and this year w will be getting a mini table for the front room. We also learnt that Kairi is rally interested in science (confers from horse chestnut frees, bugs, stars, the moon etc and lives activities such as coloured water play with pipettes) and Naminé was interested in babies all year long (amongst other things). I also write down all their EYFS goals so I can often look back and see how they are doing,
Bullet journal layout  children eyfs

Bullet journal layout month planner

Monthly page.

I love to keep my monthly page as a simple guide. I use this page as I'm adding things in each month, birthday parties, scheduled deliveries and anything that's not a regular occupancy (like work, toddler group or a visit to a laywer) that I will add to my Daily's as I write them.

Bullet journal layout day planner


I do my dailys a week at a time (or 2 in really busy months) I can then see ahead of what needs to be done but also make sure I'm tracking everything that is going to happen each day, including meal planning which I then transfer to Asda.

Other Pages.

I have a few new pages for this year too which are either very pretty or I love.

Bullet journal layout a year in pixels
'A year in pixels'
 I'm using this page to track my mood, every day (or few days if I forget) I take 2 seconds I colour in 1 square and at the end of the year I can look back and see what it was like. I'm really looking forward to seeing this one filled it.

Bullet journal layout 52 posts in 52 weeks.
This tracker is extremely important this year, it's going to help me get my block back on track and make sure I remember to post at least weekly! There is a space at the bottom to add any ideas I come up with too.

What do you use to plan? I'd love to see and hear more. *This is a collaborative post, all opinions and ideas are my own.*