
The blogger quiz of the year 2016 to 2017!

So I thought I'd start this year by sharing a little about me. I was tagged in the Blogger quiz of the year tag by Laura from Petit Moi - Big World.

2016 best 9 on Instagram. 
Our 2016 best 9 on Instagram @mummieswaiting

'What Was The Highlight of 2016?' 
As my life seams to revolve around Disney and I have everything I want for my family, home and work, it has to be Disney! I absolutely loved being able to take my girls twice last year, but more than that it was walking in to the park on the last day, seeing Mickey and Minnie in their Christmas outfits and Kairi's face when she saw the huge Christmas tree for the first time.

'Name One Thing You Are Most Likely To Remember About 2016 if Asked in 5 Years?' 
Everyone complaining about 2016! Probably the fact that I was able to pay for the trips all by myself, I'm so proud that I managed to do this for my girls.
'Sum Up 2016 in One Word' 
Neutral. I lost 2 granddads this year that really sucked. It was a hard year in many ways but in others it was magical and fun and full of family memories.
'Name One Pearl of Wisdom from 2016 That You'll Carry With You Through 2017'
You can do it! You've taught your daughter to walk and  use a knife and fork, to count and read letters. You can do this, sometimes things get hard but you will get through it, like you do every year.

'Do You Have Any New Years Resolutions?' 
In a word, No! I don't celebrate 'new year' I just want to continue the life I'm loving and enjoying, I make my self goals 'eat healthier' 'watch less tv' 'do more things as a family' but I won't make resolutions to me they're setting myself up to fail.
'How Are You/Did You See(ing) in The New Year?'
Like last year, we had friends visit. We played geeky board games and had a few drinks, we had the tele on in the background and just chatted lots. It was a really nice night with wonderful friends,

'What Would You Most Like To Do in 2017?'
I'd love to take my family to Walt Disney World, but that is unlikely to happen, however just booking it would be nice. I'd really like to move forward into working a few more hours a week but doing something other that childcare, I'd really like to help people book and plan their Disney holidays, it's definitely something I will be think about doing.

'What Are Your Main Goals For 2017?' 
I have a few goals for 2017.
I'd really like to work harder on my blog this year, my goal is to do 52 posts in 52 weeks.
I'd love to visit Disney at Christmas.
Fill in all my trackers for my bullet journal.
My final goal is to save as much as I can, but not make myself go without.

I hope you enjoyed that little insight, don't forget to a check Laura's at the top and I'm tagging Vicki from Mumma and her Monsters so check out hers too.