
What is the best age to visit Disney?

by - 08:00:00

Friends often tell me they are not going to Disney yet because they want their children to remember it, this is usually followed by a comment on how they went and don't remember it either and another on how they are unsure what the best age is. I always answer try to answer these questions or comments because I don't want anyone to miss out on the amazing memories that can be made as a small child. As it's such a popular topic, I thought I would share my answer with you here.

Disneyland Paris Castle Photo

I went to Disney at least 10 times as a young child and I don't remember any of them. My first memories of Disney were as a teenager (around 14 years old). Your first thought, might be that my mum wasted her money, however if you knew my mum you would know that this would NEVER be the case. What my mum did (what I am also doing for my children) was to make memories. We're not making memories for our children (of course it's amazing and exciting for them, their faces are a picture and they will have so many photos and videos to look back on and love) but we are making memories for ourselves. For myself and Ryan, when we are old and our children have grown up and left, we will have these memories, we will remember the girls smiles, the first time they met their heroes, the time they truly believed and the time their dreams came true.

The world can be a terrible place and I fear if I wait until their old enough to remember, we wouldn't ever get to do it. They might not be interested, we may not be in a position to afford it and the worst, something could have happened to any one of us and we may no longer all be here to go together.
If I put that logic on other things, we would never see Santa, take camping trips or have mascots at our birthday parties. We do it for our memories, not theirs. So when we are old and that have left home, of heaven forbid something happens, we have amazing memories to hold on to.

Of course, that's just me and I'm sure many many people wait, but this is the advice I give to all those who are not sure whether or not to wait. I hate for people to miss out on the amazing memory of now 😍
*a little bonus tip*
Here is the bonus at going this age... Under 7s stay and play for free and under 4's travel free on the trains and Eurostar and also eat free meaning the price can be a very good deal too!

I hope this helps to change yours or your partners or even your family and friends mind. Trips at this age are amazing, don't wait you will love every second!

If you enjoyed this and are now ready to plan, head on over to our Disney page of the blog where there are plenty more posts to help you out.
Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

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