12 Days of Parenting is back!
12 Days of Parenting is back for another year and i'm so excited I've typed 5 out to the first 8 words wrong!
This year, things are working a little different, there will be no brand involvement, no need to subscribe (though we would love you to if you wish) and no competitions. However we will be writing for the love of it and giving you plenty to read, from 12 tips to get you through the season to 12 best parts of 2016, we hope you will join us and find plenty of amazing posts to read.
The theme:
Our main theme this year is '12 Moments of parenting' and will be made up of 12 mini themes. Each mini theme is set around the number 12, which of course we've borrowed from the traditional '12 days of Christmas'. You can write your posts about Christmas, the festive season or any other religious or cultural festivities that you celebrate around this time of the year. Everyone is included!
Each post needs to relate to parenting in some way, but you can customise the mini themes to suit your own writing as long as you stay within the context stated above.
The mini themes are as follows:
12 ways to stay organised / things to do to prepare for Christmas / the season12 things I love about Christmas / the season
12 things to do on Christmas / the season day or during Christmas / the season
12 gift ideas for Christmas / the season
12 Christmas / the season traditions
12 activities to do with children during Christmas / the season
12 things Christmas / the season means to me
12 ways to wrap up Christmas / the season
12 wishes / hopes / dreams / for the new year
12 acts of kindness
12 highlights of 2016
12 (your own theme)
How it works:
You can blog, vlog or microblog about any one or more (even all 12) of the above themes. You then link up your post to the 12 days of parenting linky hosted here on Mummies Waiting and over at aNovicemum. You then read and comment on other linked posts and help with sharing them far and wide.
Who its for:
This linky is open to all bloggers and vloggers who are family friendly. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, lifestyle or beauty blogger, as long as you can work within the above themes, we would love to have you.
How to take part:
- Link up your post(s) per theme, with your post's title, url and twitter handle (where appropriate).
- The linky opens at 8am on Thursday 15th December and closes Thursday 29th December 2016 at midnight.
- Don't forget to tweet @mummieswaiting and @aNoviceMum with the hashtag #12daysofparenting16 for re-tweets and love.
- If you love Pinterest, join the #12daysofparenting board to further share you posts. If you wish to, then follow Mummies Waiting and aNoviceMum too.
- To get more shares, interact with other bloggers and stay up to date with the collaboration, join the #12daysofparenting Facebook group and share your post within the themed threads so it can be shared on the 12daysofparenting Facebook page.
- Follow 12daysofparenting, Mummies Waiting and aNoviceMum on Facebook if you wish.
The Rules:
Use the hashtag: Comment and share posts using the '#12daysofparenting16 hashtag
Give a comment: Comment on at least 3 posts (The Hosts, The post before you and another you fancy, any more would be amazing!)
Can you go the extra mile? If so, add our badge to help promote the linky.

Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML
What you can expect from the hosts:
- We will endeavour to read as many posts as possible
- We will promote the linky across many different social media platforms to increase our potential target audience.
- We will re-tweet any posts we are tagged in with the hashtag #12daysofparenting16.
- We will share posts shared on theme threads in the #12daysofparenting Facebook bloggers group onto the collaborations Facebook page.
So, why are you still here! Get your kettle on, hot chocolate powder out and get typing, reading and sharing.