Learning through play
Monday 5th September
Today we were busy with lots of appointments and meetings. We did plenty of walking and explored the fields along our way, talking about the 'tunnel' made out of sticks and the cows in the field next to the cathedral. Myself and Kairi discussed the doctors and what was going to happen to her, so that she went in feeling positive.
Once home, Kairi got to helping me make a shopping list, we walked over to Tesco and Kairi helped to pick the correct items off the shelves and scan them. On our way home, we came across a new set of ducklings (it's the 3rd set of the summer)
Luckily at Tesco we had grabbed a bag of frozen peas (rather than unhealthy bread), so we took it out and started feeding them. We discussed giving them space, how they're growing and what they eat.
After lunch I had a meeting to go to, while we were there Kairi and Naminé socialised with other children and played with new toys. Just before leaving Kairi helped to tidy up and continued this by helping to clean our house once home!
In the evening the girls both played with toys in the bath and we discussed how we wash ourselves and our hair.
Tuesday 6th September
We spent the morning naming animals and playing in the garden, we had strawberries for snack and then got ready to go out once we had eaten our lunch. Off to Costa we went, we sat and enjoyed our coffee (the girls had a babychino each) with our friends and then we went for a browse around Ely's charity shops, while there we found two new exciting puzzles!

The puzzle also had 'touchy feely' bits too, which was extra fun!

Wednesday 7th September

Once it quieted down a bit inside they moved on to the big room, Kairi tried riding a trike and Naminé went straight for the car, they ran off some steam and decided they were ready to tackle the other room.
As soon as we walked into the other room Naminé found an instrument and picked it up (we were barely though the door!) Kairi went straight for the sensory/messy play, she talked about what she was holding and asked lots of questions about the foam packing peanuts.
Next we sat down together and played with the animals, we named them and tried to put them in their correct homes on the farm, we found a few dinosaurs and had a go at making their noises while pretending they were fighting.
At the end of the group, we had a story and walked home for lunch.

Once the house was 'ready' the girls took to role play, Naminé spent her time cooking meals for me to eat and Kairi decided that she was the 'mum' and asked Naminé if she would like to 'go outside and play in the garden', the more they played the more the house adapted, it changed shape and position. Kairi made an instrument out of the pen tin and started a band while Naminé spent time trying out new words such as 'noisy' and 'fix'. ('Noisy' made me chuckle!)
In the late afternoon the girls had apple and cheese for a snack before venturing out into the garden and playing in their play house. During this time I left them to play without an adult, I was close enough I could hear them, but far enough about that they could try to resolve conflicts themselves.
Thursday 8th September
This morning we got up early to get our train, Kairi walked well to the station, pressing the pelican crossing buttons aim the way and talking about crossing the roads and the 'green man'.
Once on the train Kairi got her pad time (kindle) she played with a range of educational apps and stopped occasionally to ask for help. Myself and Naminé stopped and read books together (which Kairi listened to also when they interested her). We read The Graffalo and That's not my baby (which is a touchy-feely book - Naminé's favourites!)
The journey seamed to go quick and we pointed out animals, cars, houses etc on the way.

We talked about going slowly and holding a pen correctly. We discussed the sounds the letters make and had fun rubbing out and re-trying.

Friday 9th September

Once at the train station we discussed the yellow line and with the help of Kairi, I taught Naminé that is was dangerous. We discussed that you shouldn't go over the yellow line and what could happen if you do. Naminé now stands near the line points at it and says 'dangerous'.
On the train the girls made a 'friend' who they shared a table and their books/toys with. I love seeing how easy children make friends!
As soon as the girls got home they went straight to playing with their cardboard house, they just couldn't wait.
On and out of the door open and closing the windows and adding more 'artwork' to the inside and out. It was lovely to see how much they enjoyed such a simple to make activity!
Once we had finished our dinner we went up for an early night, we climbed into bed and put on 101 Dalmatians (which Kairi loved) before going to sleep. We spoke about the different animals in the film and what was happening, Kairi really seamed to follow the story well and Naminé has really improved on her concentration.
Saturday 10th September

As a family we went to Tesco and discussed he food that we eat and what we buy. Kairis favourite food to buy at Tesco is carrots so she an snack on the way home.
Sunday 11th September

Naminé really took to the set and the girls both played happily along side and appart from each other.