
Disneyland Paris with Disabilities

Travelling with Disabilities can be a nightmare, having to make extra stops, worrying if there will be enough space or even whether something will be safe for you or not can make staying at home much more appealing! However, Disney helps take all those worries away (well at least helps you to worry less!)

Disney has 2 types of access cards (here is a list on their site of what evidence you will need to obtain a card) which you can obtain from guest services in either park. The type of pass you get will depend on your disability.

The Priority card is a Green card and gives you and up to 4 helpers priority access to certain attractions throughout both parks. This card is issued to people with permanent disabilities. Access is not instant and in peak times you may have a bit of a queue. When we traveled in March (quiet time) we waited 15 minutes to ride it's a small world with this pass as there were other disabled people in front of us, the regular queue was walk on. On most rides, you will need a carer to accompany you and you may be denied access to some rides all together.

The Easy Access Card is an Orange card that gives you and 1 helper access through specially adapted entrances. (It does not give you priority in queues.) This pass is for those who have a temporary illness (though some people seem to be given this pass even if their disability is not temporary), you can also gain this pass if you are pregnant.

When you obtain your pass the cast member will hand you a guidebook. The guidebook will work with your map to the park and help you work out which rides are suitable for you to ride on.

As myself and Ryan both have disabilities we both apply for passes. Ryan always gets a Green (Priority Card) and I always get a Orange (Easy Access Card). We have both found the cards very helpful in the past (I am unable to stand still for long periods), they help stress levels stay down, anxiety lessens and let us enjoy our trip with less worry!

If you'd like to find out more about our Disney Trip then please take a look at the Disney with Kids! Section of the blog or hop on over to Mummies Waiting on YouTube for our Holiday Vlogs!