
On The 9th Day Of Parenting - The Baby Doesn't Stop At Christmas!! (And Neither does the toddler!)

Hello and thanks for hopping over from  Life With Baby Kicks and welcome to my post for the Eleventh! day of #12daysofparenting. We have have many prizes to give away including a Signed, limited edition, A3 picture from Fresh Pictures Full details can be found on the #12daysofparenting page and all entries to be completed via the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.


Christmas, The Most Wonderful time of the year, full of magic, mistletoe and dreams. We pack it full of so much stuff running round at the every minute trying to get everything done and don't leave ourselves a break, then we remember... THE BABY DOESN'T STOP AT CHRISTMAS (AND NEITHER DOES THE TODDLER!)


Breastfeeding is a skill and breastfeeding while doing stuff is a skill that most of us never manage to complete! But with 2 feeders and a holiday full of things to do, lots of traveling and trains where I have to stand up, breastfeeding on the move is a skill I have no choice in learning!

So If you can't stop (I'd say a trip into your local coffee shop for your favorite seasonal Hot Choc is a MUST!!) Then here are my top tips for getting everything done and still getting those feeds in!

1. Get up earlier/plan to leave earlier!- I know this one sucks, but if you need to get somewhere on time (especially a train) plan to leave earlier, that way when you are late, you don't miss your train ;)

2. Grab a sling! - Feeding in a sling is great, you can be anywhere and be doing anything, it feels very discrete and is comfy for you both!

3. keep hydrated yourself, we neglect ourselves as it is this time of year, keep drinking and eating, you owe it to yourself, noone wants to be poorly Christmas day!


Top Tip: Drop it all for a feed!! Its as important to you as it is to your little one, say NO to Mastitis and yes to snugly cuddles!


Today Code Word is: poinsettia


For more posts about the change in parenting, hop on over to JoannaVictoria where you can also gain further entries into the grand prize draw. Full terms and conditions can be found on the mummieswaiting website. UK residents only.